Audit Title
Department / Division
Conducted on
Prepared by
Type of Event
Type of Event
Actual / Potential for harm
Actual / Potential for halm
RIDDOR Reportable
Date RIDDOR report submitted:
Entry in Accident book
Date of accident book entry
Further Investigation?
Further investigation required?
Obtain witness statements
Where and when did the adverse event happen?
Who was injured / suffered ill health or was otherwise involved with the adverse event?
How did the adverse event happen? (Note any equipment involved).
What activities were being carried out at the time?
Was there anything unusual or different about the working conditions?
Were there adequate safe working procedures and were they followed?
What injuries or ill health effects, if any were caused?
If there was an injury, how did it occur and what caused it?
Was the risk known? If so, why was it not controlled? If not why not?
Did the organisation and arrangement of the work influence the adverse event?
Was maintenance and cleaning sufficient? If not, explain why not.
Where the people involved competent and suitable?
Did the workplace layout influence the adverse event?
Did the nature or shape of the materials influence the adverse event?
Did difficulties using the plant and equipment influence the adverse event?
Was the safety equipment sufficient?
Did other conditions influence the adverse event?
Do similar risks exist elsewhere? If so, what and where?
Have similar adverse events happened before? Give details.
What were the immediate, underlying and root causes?
Review the relevant method statement and risk assessment
What risk control measures are needed / recommended? What timescale? Who is responsible for closing the control measures out?
Any further comments
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