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Conducted on
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Are SWMS completed for all high-risk work?
Are safety compliance documents for plant, mobile-powered plant (BMU, EWP etc.) and site-specific safe access filled out and up to date? <br>Check for:<br>Permits to Work <br>BMU inductions<br>BMU registers <br>EWP logbooks, and<br>Employee licences.<br>
Do exclusion zones cover work zone, allow for safe operation, allow pedestrian access and use correct signage, bollards and exclusion tape?
Are height safety procedures being followed? <br>Are fall arrest harnesses, lanyards and other equipment in working order, in-date, fit for purpose and pass equipment inspection?<br>
Are equipment tethering procedures being followed? Phones, PPE and equipment tied off and secures against falls from height?
Are chemicals approved on Briteway's Chemical Registers for on site use? <br>Do chemicals have the appropriate labels, correct containers used and correct PPE being used for chemicals?
Are safe manual handling techniques being used?<br>(Look for S.M.A.R.T and Team Lifting Techniques)<br>Are hazardous manual handling tasks being undertaken in line with company training and SOP's? <br>(Look for trolley use, loading, unloading vans, lifting and lowering overhead loads, pushing and pulling and repetitive tasks) <br>
Other non-compliance, hazards or risks observed?