Basic Audit Data
Conducted on?
Audit No.
Department Being Audited?
Auditors and Auditees
Audit Officer?
Person Being Audited?
Auditors In Training?
Activity Information
Order No?
Customer Ref Number?
Serial Number?
Instrument Description?
Certificate No?
Customer Name?
This audit covers some aspects of the following 17025 Clauses: 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.1, 7.2, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8
Audit Information
Personnel - ISO 17025 Clause 6.2 – QM Section 13
6.2.3 - Does the person performing the test have internal training records to support the procedure?
Give Detail: Who, Job Position, Level of training, CP number, when completed.
Facilities and Environment Conditions – ISO 17025 Clause 6.3 – QM Section 14
6.3.1 & 6.3.2 - Check the laboratory temperature measurement results are within the parameters specified in the quality manual.
6.3.3 - Have there been any reported incidents in the last 3 months or any significant changes within the laboratory?
Equipment – ISO 17025 Clause 6.4 – QM Section 16
6.4.6, 6.4.13, 6.5.2 - List ALL the equipment used to perform the calibration.
Give detail: Was it labelled, recall date, Reference numbers, Certificate & laboratory numbers. Follow the traceability route until a UKAS certificate is witnessed.
6.4.7 & 6.4.13 - Was the equipment logged within the Laboratory Equipment Register with correct recall dates and acceptance criteria?
Review of Requests, tenders and contracts - ISO 17025 Clause 7.1 – QM Section 4
7.1.1 & 7.1.8 - Is there a procedure in place for the review of tenders and contracts?
7.1.1a - How have the customers’ requirements been defined?<br>Have records of the review been retained?
Give Details: Purchase order, quotation, email correspondence
7.1.1b - Is the equipment / equipment type listed on the ‘Calibration Capability and Standard Price Register’?<br>Has the register been reviewed during the last year?
7.1.1c - Has the customer (if required) given approval for the laboratory to use an external supplier to carry out the calibration of their equipment?<br>
7.1.1d - Has the customer been informed of the appropriate method / procedure to be used?
7.1.5 - Has there been any deviation of contract? If yes has the customer been informed?
Selection, verification and validation of methods– ISO 17025 Clause 7.2 – QM Section 15
- & - What specification has the item been calibrated to?
Give details: Where the spec is from, is it the most recent version, is it controlled. Then was the standards list reviewed?
-,, - What is the procedure and issue number(s), is the procedure appropriate for this calibration?
Give details, is this the latest issue, did it document the method to the required level. When was it reviewed.?
6.4.10 & 7.7.2 - Are the QC checks up to date?
Give details: Last 2 months, any issues
Handling of Calibration Items– ISO 17025 Clause 7.4 – QM Section 18
7.4.1 - Is there a procedure in place for the transportation, receipt, handling, protection, storage, retention, and disposal or return of calibration items?
7.4.2 - Has the equipment been uniquely identified within the electronic system?<br>Is there an identity tag attached to the equipment? <br>Does the information on the tag match the equipment?
7.4.2 - Does the equipment have any accessories?<br>Have the accessories (if any) been logged on the electronic system?
7.4.3 - Was the equipment received in good condition? <br>If not has this been recorded on the system and reported to the customer?
7.4.3 - Does the equipment conform to description/information provided by the customer?<br>If not has this been recorded on the system and reported to the customer?
7.4.4 - Did the equipment need to be stored under specific environmental conditions? <br>If so, have these conditions been maintained, monitored and recorded?
Technical records– ISO 17025 Clause 7.5 – QM Section 20, 10
7.5.1 - Did the certificate state the conditions that the laboratory performed the calibration?
Give Details: What are they, did the customer specify any additional requirements?
7.5.1 - Did the calibration require raw data calculations?
Give Details: If yes. What form did they take? If no, why was it not needed?
7.5.1 - Using the information available, Give detail how the the test and readings could be reproduced with acceptable limits?
6.4.5, 7.6.1, 7.6.2 - Are the measurement uncertainty values reported on the certificate correct to the applied / required values?<br>
Give details: Budget number(s), issue, reviewed data.
6.4.5, 7.6.1, 7.6.2 - Are the values equals to or greater than the values on our UKAS schedule?
Reporting the results– ISO 17025 Clause 7.8 – QM Section 20
- & 7.8.4 - Does the certificate include all the basic requirement for the calibration certificate as per the standard and QM?
Give details: Logo correct size, statements included, clear and unambiguous?
Witnessed Calibration
Has the technician demonstrated the activity in accordance with the procedure?