Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Size & Context of the Organisation
Provide a summary describing the activities that are undertaken by the PCBU.
Select the Critical Risk Hazard that the PCBU workers are exposed to:
- Working at Heights
- Live Services
- Powertools
How many employees work for the PCBU?
01-Leadership & Commitment
Does the PCBU maintain a suite of Policy Statements?
Does the PCBU have a Health & Safety
02-Legal Compliance & Document Control
03-Planning & Objectives
04-Hazard ID & Risk Management
05-Training, Competency & Behaviours
06-Health & Hygiene
07-Communications, Engagement & Participation
08-Community, Sustainability & Environment
09-Project Planning & Construction
10-Contractors, Suppliers & Business Partners
11-Assets, Plant & Equipment
12-Event Reporting & Investigation
13-Emergency Management
Standard 1 – Leadership & Commitment
1. An H&S Policy Statement is in place and is up to date.
2. The Policy Statement aligns with the size and scope of the Organisation.
3. The Policy Statement is approved by a Senior Leader (Owner/Director/CEO).
4. The Policy Statement assigns responsibility for Health & Safety performance to Management.
5. The Policy Statement outlines the responsibility’s of workers for health & Safety.
Standard 2 – Legal Compliance and Document Control
1. The Organisation has a process in place to identify applicable H&S related laws and regulations.
2. The Organisation demonstrates compliance with legal requirements through the implementation of procedures.
3. The Organisation ensures minimum legal standards are maintained at all times, despite variation in client requirements.
4. The Organisation has a process to ensure documented information is controlled so that it remains effective.
5. The Organisation has a system to manage documented information
6. The Organisation has a process in place to manage documented information reviews and disposals
7.The Organisation identifies and records how documented information can be simply accessed and used
Standard 3 – Planning and Objectives
1. The Organisation demonstrates processes showing that H&S is an integral part of the business strategy
2. The Organisation demonstrates continuous improvement in H&S
3. The Organisation sets Annual objectives, goals, targets etc. that are consistent with the Policy Document
4. The Organisation monitors and reports on performance against those targets.
5. Action plans to achieve targets are formulated with assigned responsibilities to individuals.
6. Action Plans are monitored, reported on and follow up taken to ensure achievement.
7. Performance evaluation information is used to refine and adjust targets and plans.
Standard 4 - Hazard ID and Risk Management
1. The Organisation has a combination of different processes in place to identify hazards and associated risks
2. The Organisation has processes in place to report Hazards and Risks.
3. The organisation has a process in place to record and maintain Hazards and Risks (eg Register)
4. The Organisation ensure the register is maintained to ensure it is up to date.
5. The Organisation has processes in place to review the register
6. Once identified, reported and recorded the Organisation has a process in place to determine and assess risks
7. The Organisation involves people(Management and Workers) from the business with the appropriate knowledge of the risk, in the risk assessment process.
8. The Organisation clearly identifies Hazards and Risks that are assessed as ‘High’ or Critical.
9. Management ensures resources for control measures are provided, with a focus on Critical Risks
10. The Hierarchy of Controls is used.
11. ALARP is achieved and Management is involved in decision making where residual risk level remain higher than expected, accepted or tolerated.
12. An appropriately skilled and experience H&S professional facilitates the risk assessment process
13. The Organisation has processes in place to manage change and ensure ALARP.
Standard 5 – Training, Competence and Behaviour
1. Inductions are provided to new workers, contractors or visitors to an appropriate level. Records are maintained.
2. The Organisation identifies the competencies required for its workers to perform their roles within the scope of the organisation's work.
3. Training records including such processes as needs analysis, matrix and registers are developed and maintained.
4. The organization has a process in place to observe their workers on the job behaviors match expectations
5. Behavioural observation information is reviewed and used to create and assign action plans for improvement.
Standard 6 – Health and Hygiene
1. Health risks are identified as part of Standard 4
2. Health Monitoring and assessment processes are in place relevant to the risk assessment.
3. Health Monitoring and assessment programs are performed by appropriately skilled and experienced health professionals
4. Health risks are managed in accordance with the hierarchy of controls
5. Specific health-related risks that require specific procedures are identified in the risk assessment, such as Drugs and Alcohol, Manual Handling etc.
6. The Organisation has processes in place to manage work-related injuries and illnesses, including immediate response through to return to work.
Standard 7 – Communication, Engagement and Participation
1. The Organisation has processes in place to communicate H&S related information within their own organisation and to other organisations
2. Information and communications are designed to meet the needs of the audience.
3. Communications are aligned to legal requirements, policy statements and other procedures.
4. Processes are in place that allows for worker participation systems, without barriers.
5. Workers contribute to the development and improvement of H&S performance.
6. Workers are consulted on H&S policy and other managerial processes.
7. The Organisation communicates with external stakeholders, such as councils, where necessary.
8. The Organisation communicates learnings from events and topical information to its workers.
Standard 8 – Community, Sustainability and Environment
Standard 9 – Operations, Project Planning and Construction
1. The Organisation has processes in place to manage operational and maintenance services to ALARP.
2. Specific Operational Plans are maintained, kept up to date and remain relevant throughout the operational lifecycle.
3. Multiple PCBU situations are managed through coordination, consultation, and cooperation.