Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Details
Site Address:
Photo of front of property
Photo of parking
Photo of driveway
Yellow lines locally?
Photo of local road
Pay and Display?
Photo of ticket machine
Red route?
Sketch of parking
Client & Site contact details
Client Contact Details (email, telephone etc.)
Site contact details - name?
Telephone No.
Supervisor and working hours
Preferred site supervisor?
Working hours?
Weekend working?
Analytical information and survey details
Preferred analytical company?
Type of air monitoring required?
Give details of required monitoring
Asbestos survey type
Survey conducted by?
Waste disposal method
Quantity (bags, kilos, skips)?
Location of waste storage / issues?
Photo of waste storage location
Photo of issue
DCU & Transit route
Location of DCU and surrounding landmarks
Will DCU be attached?
Photo of location
Mains water feed location?
Photo of mains water feed
Electric supply on site?
Photo of electric supply
Where will leads / cables run?
Photo of location
Type of water disposal?
Photo of drainage location
Transit route details?
Photo of transit route
Any obstacle or hazard on route?
Photo of obstacle
How long is transit route?
Does transit route cross roads / pavements?
Photo of road or pavement
Escorted transit route required?
Welfare facilities required?
Photo of welfare location
Enclosure Length. Width. Height
Area 1:
Area 2:
Area 3:
Area 4:
Area 5:
Will the enclosure obstruct access within the building (toilet / kitchen)?
Photo of enclosure location
Temporary lighting required?
Where will power come from?
Photo of power point / generator location
Is the work in a communal area?
Photo of communal area
If other tenants are affected please provide their contact details
Do any vents need covering (if connected to a boiler this will need isolating)?
Photo of vent / boiler
Do windows need covering?
Photo of windows
If neighbours are affected by the enclosure please note their address
Are there any problems with vegetation?
Photo of vegetation
Any other obstacles / obstructions need to be considered?
Photo of obstruction
Air locks / Bag lock
Access issues?
Size of air lock
Size of bag lock
Vision panels or CCTV
Will vision panels be accessible?
CDM Information
CDM project
Name of principle contractor?
Name of CDMC
Name of companies employer
Wet strip solution
Aerosol adhesive
Expanding foam
General dusts
Smoke fluid
Soy gel paint remover
X- tex paint remover
Any other material?
Risk assessments
Statutory services still live
Confined space
Noise and noise nuisance
Hand demolition and hand arm vibration
Hand cutting timber
Manual handling
Handling asbestos cement sheet
Removal of AIB
Removal works within a live TC
Working at height
Cutting and removing asbestos pipe lagging
Needles and sharps
Grit blasting inside enclosure
Use of airline respiratory equipment
Use of injection equipment
Material Transport and traffic management
Vehicle entering and leaving site
Disease from vermin
Fuel or oil leaks from plant
Hot works - cutting
Use of mobile tower
Hand tool use
Erection of asbestos enclosures
Fixed scaffold erection and modification
Asbestos cement containing materials
Use of machinery
Removal of fluorescent tube light fittings
Working from MEWPS
Ice blasting inside enclosures
Use of hand held power tools
Use of podium steps
Risk assessment notes
Working at Height
Is fixed scaffold required
Mobile tower (height / number)
Podiums (height / number)
Ladder (loft access)
Key code
Void key
Any other access issues
Sketch plan
Must include, location of DCU, waste van / skip, air lock / bag lock, vacs, NPU, transit route, vision panels, CCTV, welfare. Additional equipment:red box, generators, towers, MEWPS, podiums
Site sketch
Tenant agreement
If required has furniture removal been explained and agreed?
Does the tenant understand the works and what is involved in carrying them out?
Has use of power / services been agreed with tenant
If the tenant is leaving the property, has key handover times been agreed?
Date of removal agreed with tenant / office?
Date for removal
Additional information?
Tenants signature
Caswell Group representatives signature