Title Page

  • Caton Recycling Ltd - Environmental Compliance Report

Environmental Permit number EPR/JB3400FQ

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Glebe Farm, Glebe Lane, Sibson, Nuneaton, CV13 6LD

Weather Conditions

  • Wind Direction

  • Wind Speed

  • Weather conditions (i.e Sun/Rain/Cloudy).

  • Temperature (c)

Untitled Page

  • Site Permit Signage in Place?

  • Entrance/Exit gates in Good condition?

  • Car parks & Access Roads in good condition?

  • Weighbridge in good condition and operational?

  • Check Walkways are clear?

  • Any Security issues to report?

  • Weighbridge documentation checks completed. Any issues to report?

  • Number of complaints received within last week?

  • Have complaints been investigated and resolved?

  • Waste reception area - Top Yard - Checked and ok?

  • Quarantine area checked and ok?

  • Lagoon Checked & ok?

  • Lagoon % Full

  • Wood Shredding Area

  • Wood Unprocessed stockpile

  • Wood Primary shred stockpile

  • Shredded wood pile

  • Waste reception area - Bottom Yard - Checked and ok?

  • Maturation yard - Checked and Ok?

  • Temperature monitoring complete?

  • Batch identification boards in place?

  • Compost storage area Checked & Ok?

  • Outside bays - Checked & Ok?

  • Site drainage ok?

  • Workshop - Clean & Tidy?

  • Concrete condition ok?

  • Signage Correct, in place and in good condition?

  • Site Odour assessment (Score 0-5) (0-slight Odour - 5 strong Odour)

  • Dust Assessment (Score 0-5) (0-Minimal Dust- 5 High levels of Dust)

  • Noise Assessment (Score 0-5) (0- Minimal Noise - 5 High level of Noise)

  • Fly Activity (Score 0-5) (0-No fly - 5 Large infestation).

  • Litter assessment at site boundary (Score 0-5) (0-Low levels - 5 High Levels).

  • Fire Monitoring checks completed?

  • Fire extinguisher checks completed?

  • COSHH/Fuel Store

  • TCM Attendance (Hours this week).


  • Any Further comments


  • Name

  • Signed

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