Title Page

  • Glebe Lane, Glebe Farm, Sibson, Nuneaton, CV13 6LD

  • Conducted on

  • Inspection carried out by?

Machine Identification

  • Machine hours

Walkaround Check

  • Visual Static Check of Machine - Any major issues, leaks, damage?

  • Condition of tyres

  • Are all wheel nuts in place?

  • Access steps and handrails in good condition?

  • Are pivot pins, steering rams ok?

  • Boom - All pins in place, Any signs of wear?

  • Hydraulic hoses in good condition? Any leaks or wear?

  • Hydraulic rams in good condition? Any leaks

  • Is bucket or attachment securely attached?

  • Is bucket/attachment in good condition? Any cracks/worn cutting edge/hydraulic pipes issues to report?

  • Is all glazing in place and in good condition?

  • Are all mirrors & lights in place?

  • Any cosmetic damage to the machine to report?

  • Has the machine been greased as per manufacturers recommendations?

  • Is Fire extinguisher/Suppression in place and in good order?

Engine/Hydraulic Compartment

  • Engine oil level ok?

  • Any Engine oil added? Litres added

  • Hydraulic oil level ok?

  • Any Hydraulic oil added? Litres added

  • Fuel level ok?

  • Any fuel added? Litres added

  • Coolant level ok?

  • Any coolant added? Litres added

  • Ad-Blue level ok?

  • Any Ad-Blue added? Litres added

  • Transmission oil level ok?

  • Any transmission oil added? Litres added

  • Air filter clean of debris?

  • Radiators/coolers - Free of debris? Fan belts look ok?

  • Battery isolator working?

Inside the cab

  • Does the seat adjust correctly?

  • Does the seatbelt work correctly?

  • Is the Operator Manual available for the machine?

  • Do all functions work and look ok?

  • Any visibility issues to report i.e. dirty windows/mirrors?

  • Does door shut securely?

After starting the machine (Functional check)

  • Lights, horn, beacons, reversing camera, Reverse bleeper all working?

  • Windscreen wipers working ok?

  • Hydraulic function test - All working ok?

  • Steering function test - All working ok?

  • Brake function test - All working ok?

Any further comments?

  • undefined

Any other defects to report?

  • Is the machine safe to use?

  • Is the machine unsafe to use? If so Remove keys, Lock off, Inform Supervisor immediately

  • undefined

Signed by operator

  • Print name

  • Signed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.