Title Page
Worksite/ Project:
Inductee/ Visitor Details: -
Inductee/ Visitor Name:
Conducted on
(Click + to add 1 or more inductee names)
Note: A Visitor is defined as an individual that does not engage in physical activities and is usually required to be escorted by a Site Manager while work is being undertaken on the worksite e.g. a Client or Council Inspectors.
Are you conducting a Contractor/s, Visitor Induction or COVID 19 Induction?
Visitor Induction
The Visitor is aware of the CBC Construction PPE and Hygiene requirements e.g. hard hat, high viz, sanitise hands etc. upon arrival and departure?
The Visitor acknowledges that they are not currently exhibiting flu-like symptoms such as fever, coughing or congestion?
The Visitor confirms that they are not over the age of 70 or immune compromised?
The Visitor confirms that they have not recently arrived in NZ within the past 14 days?
The Visitor confirms that they have not been in contact with someone with COVID19 symptoms?
The Visitor confirms that they have not had or currently have COVID19 symptoms?
Hold Point:
If the Visitor cannot comply with any of the above requirements, then the site visit should not commence!
“This induction is to be completed on-site with all workers prior to commencing with any work.
It is the responsibility of the Site Manager conducting the Induction to ensure the Contractor:
1. Has the capability to complete their tasks safely.
2. Is provided H&S related information so they can perform their work in accordance with the relevant WMP.” -
1. Health & Safety Policy: <br>- Commitment to HS.
2. Worksite Management Plan: <br>- Overview section of WMP.
3. Personal Safety & Expected Behaviours: <br>- As per WMP roles and responsibilities; <br>- Behaviour around residents.
4. Emergency Management Plan: <br>- Review EMP and map; <br>- First aid & fire extinguishers.
5. WorkFit: <br>- Drug & Alcohol-Free Site; <br>- Serious or high potential events will be tested.
6. Critical Risk Areas: <br>- Working at heights; <br>- Live Services, Dial B4 U Dig, Get authority; <br>- Excavations/Heavy Machinery; <br>- Lifting Operations/Cranage; <br>- Notifiable works?
7. Keeping Healthy: <br>- Silica Dust; <br>- Noise/Vibration; <br>- Hazardous Substances.
8. Site Specific Hazards & Controls: <br>- As per Site Safety Board; <br>- Cover current hazards & controls.
9. PPE: <br>- Site PPE minimums; <br>- Other PPE as per task risks; <br>- PPE provided by Subcontractor.
10. Housekeeping: <br>- Tidy site, safe site. <br>- Site map
11. Event Reporting: <br>- Who, When & How; <br>- Notifiable Events.
12. Plant & Equipment: <br>- Safe to operate & maintained; <br>- Ticketed/trained operators; <br>- Stay out of exclusion zones, eye contact.
13. Competency & Supervision: <br>- Lone Workers; <br>- Must be trained in task; <br>- Or under DIRECT supervision.
14. Toolbox Meetings: <br>- When, where and who.
15. Site access/egress: <br>- Traffic Management Plan; <br>- Signing in/out; <br>- Shared access, pedestrians/ public.
16. Scaffold & Access: <br>- Handrails, kickboards, safe access; <br>- Do not alter scaffold; <br>- Ladders, industrial rated.
17. Visitors: <br>- Escorted at all times; <br>- Are not allowed to do any work.
18. Other: <br>- Smoke- Free site; <br>- Radios on the same station; <br>- No earphones; <br>- Medical conditions made aware of?
Discuss the CBC Construction LIFESAVER & GOLDEN RULES:
Are you conducting a COVID induction as part of the Contractor Induction?
The Contractor acknowledges that they will sign in & out via the CASE App or manually (Note: The Govt. COVID 19 Tracer QR Code will also be on display).
The Contractor has sufficient face masks for all of their staff on site.
The Contractor has sufficient hygiene supplies/ kit readily available? <br><br>Note: Hygiene supplies/ kit = bucket, disinfectant spray, disposable rags/ paper towels, hand sanitiser/ soap, rubbish bags for disposal purposes etc.
The Contractor acknowledges receipt of and understands the Covid-19 Safe Work Instructions - 'Red'?
The Contractor acknowledges that any workers exhibiting flu-like symptoms such as fever, coughing or congestion must:<br>• Not come to work;<br>• Contact their supervisor and/or HR department; <br>• Stay at home and self-isolate as directed by Ministry of Health; and<br>• Inform/ notify the relevant Site/ Construction Manager if they have been on the Worksite.
Mental Health Support - Discuss with Contractors
Remember, there is support available for your people during this challenging period: MATES in Construction is a free confidential service available 24/7. Simply ring MATES in Construction on 0800 111 315 or text them on 5353 and one of their staff will support you.