
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Pre award (check with engineer)

  • Was a copy of the project risk register AR601A forwarded to the contractor in the tender documents?

  • Did the project team ensure that the contractor conducted a project risk assessment for his works using AR601i

  • We're Lend Lease requirements AR503D included in the tender documents?

  • Is the evidence of tender evaluation documented on AR503A record of tender interview?

  • AR503B subcontractor / supplier / consultant letting approval?

  • AR 503C subcontractor supplier performance assessment?

Sub Contract Preparation Stage

Have the following documents been issued to the contractor?

  • AR503D project specific subcontractor minimum requirements

  • AR601A project risk register

  • Design risk assessment (where applicable)

  • WHSPP - 600 Project safety plan

Have the following forms been issued to the contractor for completion?

  • AR601B SWMS template (to be filled in for all high risk activities)

  • AR601E SWMS review checklist

  • AR601I subcontractor review and checklist

  • AR1002F approval to supervise

  • All plant forms as per plant management overview (if plant supplied)

Is the following documentation been reviewed / approved or completed and available?

  • AR601B SWMS template (to be filled in for all high risk activities)

  • AR601E SWMS review checklist

  • AR601I subcontractor WHS plan review and checklist

The following registers must be updated and available monthly

  • Electrical tagging and testing I.e Leeds and tools

The following registers must be available and updated quarterly

  • Lifting gear register

  • Harness register

  • Ladder register

  • Electrical register

  • Gas cutting, flash back arresters, hoses and welding leeds

The following registers must be updated and available annually.

  • Fire extinguishers

Prior to works a meeting must be held and documented explaining the following (engineer / WHS)

  • Establish performance monitoring, supervision and incident reporting and management protocols and procedures

  • Documentation outlining safe methods of work

  • How compliance with GMRs will be achieved ie fall prevention, site logistics and emergencies

  • Was the contractors SWMS been reviewed using the checklist prior to works?

  • Are high risk activities signed off by the PM?

Construction Stage / routine monitoring (engineer, Superintendant & WHS)

  • After the subcontractor has commenced on site, the relevant Superintendant or Engineer for the works must administer the following disciplines:

  • Are new revisions of the SWMS reviewed using the SWMS Checklist

  • Are all workers trained in the contents of the SWMS<br>

  • Are their documented contractor inspections of plant and equipment and the works on a daily basis

  • Monitoring any new plant and equipment coming onto site and it's documentation

  • Has a subcontractor audit been carried out within the first 4 weeks of starting the project?

  • Has the sub contractor been audited at least 3 monthly whilst on the project?

  • Is their a sub contractor audit schedule?

Sub contractors inspections and observations

  • Does the sub contractor undertake daily inspections of their work areas using the daily HRAS inspection checklist?

  • Are weekly sub contractor safety meetings being held?

  • Do the sub contractors carry out daily inspections of plant and equipments?

  • Does the contractor have plant and equipment registers?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.