Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Seatbelts being worn when driving hoists
Hoist / pedestrian 3 metre rule being used
Pedestrians using designated walkways
Emergency exits are clear of obstructions
Electrical cabinets locked and clear of debris
Required PPE is being worn
Correct items in appropriate recycling bin
Machines are locked out when operator is clearing a jam up
Correct manual handling technique observed
Decanted chemicals are correctly labeled
Chemicals are stored in bundled area
Floors are clean and free from trip hazards
First aides list is displayed
Correct PPE signage is in place
Spill kits are stocked
LPG cylinders / batteries are stored correctly
Why is it so important to keep walkways clear?
What should you do when the evacuation alarm sounds?
What should you do if you see water, oil or liquid on the floor?
What should you do if you see something being done unsafely
How would you report an incident / hazard / near miss?
When observing look for any hazards or unsafe conditions and either take immediate action or enter the incident into Vault for action to be assigned