Audit Title
Haul Truck Operator
Operator's Supervisor
Conducted on
Audit conducted by
Unit Number
Operator knowledge
Does the operator/driver demonstrate knowledge and/or understanding of the following categories?
Horn Signals
When to use horn signals
What does a single horn blast indicate
What does two horn blasts indicate
What does three horn blasts indicate
What does a long, continuous blast indicate
Radio communications - knowledge of correct channels, protocols etc.
Positive communication with all other equipment
Understanding the reason for positive communication
Cap lamp signals
Site seatbelt use policy
Site PPE policies for vehicles and driving
Knows and follows the speed limits
Understanding of equipment lockout and isolation policies
Emergency Response
What an Operator must do in the event of service brake failure on a ramp
What actions should happen if an operator sees or smells smoke in or on the Haul Truck
The response above should include: Activating the fire suppression; parking in a safe location is possible; Understanding of when it's appropriate to fight a fire with a hand held extinguisher; Calling a Code 1; Reporting to a refuge
How to manage the fire suppression equipment in the Haul Truck
The response above should indicate knowledge of the delay button of the fire suppression unit and evidence that the operator has read the instructions mounted on the dash board
What would the operator do in the event of a "Code 1: Go to refuge station" radio or PED message
What would the operator do in the event of a "Code 1: Stop Work" radio or PED message
What would the operator do in the event of a "Code 1: Return to Surface" radio or PED message
Identifies different mobile and fixed strobe lights
Operator competancies
Operator Competancies
Pre-Operational Check
Does the operator conduct a thorough walk around and pre-op inspection?
Service brake check conducted?
Emergency brake check conducted?
Brake checks conducted before entering portal?
Operator has checked the camera system and understands how to switch between views?
Operator has checked the proximity detection system and understands how it operates?
Operating Underground
At a change in grade while going up-ramp, is the truck hunting for a gear?
At a change in grade while going down-ramp, is the operator braking excessively?
Is the appropriate gear manually selected at all times?
Does the operator know how to prevent over speed and excessive braking, and does the operator understand what the effects of these on the drive train are?
Is the operator competent when reversing?
Does the operator claim the right of way over light vehicles?
Is the operator familiar with the loading and hauling procedures for the area?
When dumping, is the engine RPM reduced before the box is fully extended?
Are only 2-3 applications of the brakes used to eject material from the box?
Does the operator shake the box to remove material.
Does the operator park fundamentally safe?
Is proper following distance maintained at all times?
Does the operator drive to road conditions at all times?
Are stop signs and other traffic control signs obeyed?
Operator understands the operation of the Block Lights at the Bottom of N-Ramp.
Operator understands the operation of the Block Lights at the C and A Portals.
Is the operator comfortable with using PitRam Mobile?
Does the operator remain calm and in control at all times?
General Notes
General Notes
General Notes and Comments
Areas for Improvement
Haul Truck Operator
Haul Truck Operator