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Conducted on
Prepared by
Audit Checklist
What is your critical control point (CCP)? Why was it chosen?
Describe the procedure for monitoring the CCP and the person(s) responsible for this.
Are all persons involved in the processes appropriately trained, with the training matrix kept up to date?
Are all operators aware of the importance of CCP2 and HACCP?
Are there any safety checks carried out before/after a new production run?
Reference any documents used and their locations.
What equipment is used for the CCP and its monitoring?
How is it enforced that the CCP is monitored regularly? Provide evidence of any records kept for monitoring purposes.
Is there any equipment that requires servicing or calibration? If yes, please give evidence.
What are the related SOP's/Training Records?
What actions are taken in the event of a failure or deviation? Are there any consequences (rework, scrap, recall)?
What is the correct procedure for reporting i.e. pasteuriser divert?