Title Page
Document No.
Cell board routine
Department to be audited
Conducted on
Prepared by
- Evaluate cell board use in the department
Identify cell board by scanning QR code
Does the cell board have clear production expectations?
If answer is NO, take a picture of the cell board element not meeting expectation and/or create a follow up item to address the issue (tap on the "..." symbol).
Is performance tracked hourly (time basis)?
If answer is NO, take a picture of the cell board element not meeting expectation and/or create a follow up item to address the issue (tap on the "..." symbol).
Is cell board updated (fabric ID, run identification)? When expectations are not met (not meeting production target), the reason or reasons why are noted on the cell board/sheet and the equipment/workstation is 'turned' red?
If answer is NO, take a picture of the cell board element not meeting expectation and/or create a follow up item to address the issue (tap on the "..." symbol).
When the last cell board is reviewed, please sign audit AND tap on "mark as complete" button.