
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


Use the following Rating Scale for each category below: 9 – Excellent Performance (Has a complete mastery of the topic, able to teach/coach others on finer points, ready to accommodate additional challenges) 8 – Great Performance (Has a very good grasp of the topic, seldom has to be corrected, understands the overall desired objective of the task and consistently meets the objective) 7 – Good Performance (Has a solid grasp of the topic with only occasional mistakes, is working to correct mistakes/shortcomings in this area, can work alone and can be relied upon to handle this topic) 6 – Above Average Performance (Better than most, has some mistakes/shortcomings in this area, has shown improvement through training and/or experience) 5 – Average Performance (Consistently performs no better or worse than most, often times fails to meet objective, but demonstrates willingness to attempt to improve through diligent work habits and a good attitude) 4 – Below Average Performance (Fails to meet objective more often than not, occasionally demonstrates an attitude and/or behavior that is unacceptable) 3 – Bad Performance (Not a productive employee most of the time, demonstrates poor judgment in meeting objective and/or is rather unreliable, should not be left alone to perform objective) 2 – Poor Performance (Should not be allowed to continue working if performance does not immediately improve, hurting the business by demonstrating/exercising poor judgment, in jeopardy of losing job) 1 – Unacceptable Performance (Immediate removal of employee is necessary in this area, dramatic and immediate improvement is required to continue working, requires constant attention and critique from management, serious questions of employee’s desire/compatibility should be answered)

1. TREATMENT OF CUSTOMERS: Consider the attention the employee gives customers. Does the employee use required customer service skills? Is the individual sincerely interested in providing service to customers?

  • Consider each standard separately. Use slide scale to reflect the evaluators response. A standard performance rating on any performance standard must be supported by a specific comment in the space provided.

2. PERSONAL PRESENTATION: Consider the impression the employee makes on others in respect to voice (tone, what/how/when something is said, etc.), grooming (hygiene, hair, hands, requirements), and dress (uniform requirements, shoes, hats, jewelry, name tag, etc.) How well is the employee received by others?

  • Consider each standard separately. Use slide scale to reflect the evaluators response. A standard performance rating on any performance standard must be supported by a specific comment in the space provided.

3. JOB KNOWLEDGE: Consider the knowledge level of the employee for the specific job(s) assigned. How well has the employee demonstrated his/her ability to understand and complete the job satisfactorily.

  • Consider each standard separately. Use slide scale to reflect the evaluators response. A standard performance rating on any performance standard must be supported by a specific comment in the space provided.

4. QUALITY OF WORK: Assess the amount of work produced by the employee. Analyze actual productivity, and not just whether the employee stays busy. How well does the employee “get things done?”

  • Consider each standard separately. Use slide scale to reflect the evaluators response. A standard performance rating on any performance standard must be supported by a specific comment in the space provided.

5. HOUSEKEEPING: Consider the orderliness and cleanliness the individual keeps in work areas, floor space, and promotional display areas. Consider the impression given to other employees and customers. How tidy does the employee work?

  • Consider each standard separately. Use slide scale to reflect the evaluators response. A standard performance rating on any performance standard must be supported by a specific comment in the space provided.

6. ACCURACY: Consider the neatness, correctness, thoroughness and general efficiency of work. Assess the number of corrections needed to the employee’s work.

  • Consider each standard separately. Use slide scale to reflect the evaluators response. A standard performance rating on any performance standard must be supported by a specific comment in the space provided.

7. PUNCTUALITY & ATTENDANCE: Consider the employee’s record on absenteeism and tardiness. Also, consider the individual’s willingness to work available schedules and frequency of requests for schedule changes. Also, does the employee handle scheduling issues per policy?

  • Consider each standard separately. Use slide scale to reflect the evaluators response. A standard performance rating on any performance standard must be supported by a specific comment in the space provided.

8. DEPENDABILITY: Consider the employee’s ability and effort to do required jobs well with a minimum of supervision. How hard does the individual try to do his/her best? How much can the team member count on the employee’s effort?

  • Consider each standard separately. Use slide scale to reflect the evaluators response. A standard performance rating on any performance standard must be supported by a specific comment in the space provided.

9. INITIATIVE: Consider the employee’s willingness to take on and complete new/additional tasks without being asked. How well does the employee see what needs to be done (the “big picture”) and actively try to get it done – above and beyond his/her required tasks?

  • Consider each standard separately. Use slide scale to reflect the evaluators response. A standard performance rating on any performance standard must be supported by a specific comment in the space provided.

10. INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: Consider the extent to which the employee cooperates with other employees, supervisors, and peers. Is the employee a “team player”? What is his/her attitude toward the store, supervisors, associates, and subordinates?

  • Consider each standard separately. Use slide scale to reflect the evaluators response. A standard performance rating on any performance standard must be supported by a specific comment in the space provided.

OVERALL EVALUATION: Consider the length of time on the job and the employee’s overall performance as compared to Unit standards and policies.

  • Consider each standard separately. Use slide scale to reflect the evaluators response. A standard performance rating on any performance standard must be supported by a specific comment in the space provided.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.