
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Have you verified all Buns are sealed?<br>-Verificar que los panes para sándwich estén sellados

  • Discard all cooked products (EXCEPT CHICKEN). <br>-Desechar todos los productos que estén cocidos (EXCEPTO EL POLLO)


  • Is all cooked Chicken labeled with a correct date?

  • Is all cooked Chicken in the refrigerator?

  • Green Leaf Lettuce and Tomato slices--<br>Lechuga de hoja verde y rodajas de tómate

  • Sliced Cheese<br>-Queso rebanado

  • Has ALL waste been properly tracked and recorded?

  • Enter your First name.


  • All Open Fryers off with proper oil amount?

  • All Open Fryers clean?

  • All Pressure Fryers off with proper oil amount?

  • All Pressure Fryers clean?

Perform Daily/End of day equipment cleaning / Realizar la limpieza diaria o del final del día del equipo

  • Taylor Grill / Parrilla Taylor

  • CSS Toaster / Tostador de CSS

  • Bun Contact Toasters / Tostador de contacto

  • Tiered Warming Station / Estación de calentamiento de pollo o estación de calentamiento escalonada

  • Dure Holding station / Estación de retención Duke

  • Warming Drawers / Gavetas de calentamiento

  • Pass-Thru Chute system / Sistema de canaletas de entrega

  • Food Warmer / Calentador de alimentos

  • Timer Panel / Cronómetro de panel

  • Cold Holding Station / Estación de retención fría

  • Turn OFF and unplug all non-refrigerated equipment in Boards area / Apagar y desenchufar todos los equipos del área de preparación de alimentos

  • Wash, rinse, sanitize and air dry all containers, utensils, trays, cutting boards, etc / Lavar, enjuagar, desinfectar y secar al aire todos los recipientes, utensilios, bandejas, tablas de cortar


  • Clean and sanitize all work surfaces / Limpiar y desinfectar todas las superficies de trabajo

  • Clean all other surfaces (e.g. Monitor, wall behind fryers and refrigerators, etc.) / Limpiar todas las otras superficies (como el monitor, la pared detrás de las freidoras y refrigeradores, etc.)

  • Process Towels using towel rotation system / Procesar las toallas usando el sistema de rotación de toallas

  • Empty Trash cans / Vaciar los botes de basura

  • Sweep and scub/squeegee/ mop floors / Barrer y trapear o tallar los pisos

  • Restock all paper, plastic, and foil packaging / Reabastecer todos los empaques de papel, plástico y papel

Record your first name saying you have verified this list is completed.

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.