Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Unauthorised Uses Site Inspections
- Water Features
Is there a water feature within the service area?
Identify Location
Does this feature use (or can it use) recycled water?
Is the feature likely to be accessible/ attractive to enter?
Is there signage indicating recycled water is used?
Is there signage or other method to discourage contact with the water?
Is the signage clearly visible at the most likely entry points?
Swimming Pools
Are there Swimming Pools or Splash Pads within the service area?
Identify Location
Is top up water sourced from the potable drinking water supply
Outdoor Recycled Water Taps
Are there recycled water taps outside that are publicly accessible?
Identify Location inspected
Are the handles removed to prevent unauthorised access?
Is there signage to indicate the taps are recycled water?
If the pipework is visible, is it lilac?
Commercial Premises
Are any commercial food preparation businesses serviced with recycled water?
Identify premises audited
Check photographic records: Are recycled water meters are appropriately plumbed?
Is there any use other than toilet flushing on site?
Is recycled water managed effectively to prevent unauthorised use?