Audit Title
Document No.
Team/Team leader
Conducted on
Non conformance's.
Recommendations/Opportunities for improvement.
General remarks/comments.
A. Work team commitment
Is the Team aware of the OHS Policy, its location and how it relates to their functions?
Verify OHS Policy can be found e.g. On the Embeca One Drive
Verify through interview of team personnel that the team is aware of the policy and what it means to their activities.
B. OHS risk register
Is the Team aware of the organisation’s OHS risk assessment process?<br>
Verify through interview with relevant personnel. The team should be aware of the process and how to access details if required. Sources of verification include:
• Risk Registers
• Training records
• SAFS004 –Risk Assessment & Management.
• Risk Assessment Procedure(s) in Station documentation
• Documented formal Risk Assessments
• .ppt presentation describing the process (portal )
• Risk Assessment cards (Stop & Think Cards) or other risk assessment documents -
Are the Teams formal Risk Assessments adequately detailed for the major risks as outlined in the risk register ?<br>
Verify through examination of formal risk assessments on the portal – do they cover the risks as outlined in the Risk Register in enough detail in respect to control measures .
Are the teams Formal Risk Assessments reviewed and in consultation with relevant team members?<br>
Verify through examination of Risk Assessments –are they reviewed and improved when:
a) plant & equipment is modified
b) significant changes are made
c) required following incidents
d) every 5 years -
Are OHS risks and appropriate control measures identified – do they align with relevant formal Risk Assessments?
Are Take 5's completed in accordance with training<br> <br>
Verify through examination of examples of Take 5's held by Team leader and interview with team members
Are team members aware of the major hazards for their work area?<br>
Verify by interviewing team members about their knowledge of major hazards and specific control measures (haz subs, noise, dust, electricity, manual handling, confined spaces, work at heights)
Does the team have a plan to manage<br>Its major OHS risks? Does this incorporate relevant aspects of the Corporate annual OHS management Plan <br>Are they up-to-date, and do they cover all of the Team activities?<br>
Review team OHS management plan – does it align with the Corporate OHSMP
Does it include additional Risks that need to be included on the Risk Register?
SM to update the Risk Register as determined.
C. Legal and Other Requirements
Is the Team aware of the legal and other requirements related to their work activities?<br> <br>Does the Team Leader know how to access OHS legal and other requirements?<br> <br>Have there been any changes in team activities that require review of the legal & other register?<br>
Verify through interview of the Team Leader and relevant staff awareness of specific requirements relating to the team’s work activities (e.g. SAFS005 – Legal and Other Requirements and the Legal and Other Register in Intellex).
List examples and sources (e.g. Manual Handling, Confined Spaces, etc.).
Verify through interview staff are aware of whom to contact if they have any questions related to OHS compliance.
Does the Team Leader know how to access OHS legal and other requirements from the portal?<br>
List examples and sources (e.g. Manual Handling, Confined Spaces, etc.).
Have there been any changes in team activities that require review of the legal & other register?
Verify through interview staff are aware of whom to contact if they have any questions related to OHS compliance.
D. Objectives, Targets and Programmes
Is the Team responsible for any specific OHS objectives and targets? YES /NO<br> <br>e.g. Shift Managers to develop standard library of PRI’s
Review copy of Site OHS Objectives and Targets assigned to the Team.
Review the progress of the objectives, targets assigned to the team. -
If YES, is the progress of the objectives and targets tracked and updated?
Check that progress is reported from the Team Leader to the Safety Coordinator & OHSMS records are up-to-date (e.g. portal matrix or Intellex).
E. Roles & Resources
Is the Team aware of their OHS roles, responsibilities, and authorities, as relate to their work activities?
Verify understanding of responsibilities through interview with Team Leader and team members.
Responsibilities may include inspections of plant/equipment, formal risk assessment for relevant work areas, implementing prevention and control strategies, workplace inspections and competency assessments ) -
Are sufficient resources made available to the Team for OHS management?
Verify through interview that sufficient resources are available. Resources include human resources and specialised skills, organisational infrastructure, technology and financial resources.
F. Competence, Training & Awareness
Has the Team received any OHS training other than induction?
Review OHS training guide on portal with Team Leader and note any other specific examples (e.g. emergency control for Shift Managers )
OHS training may be combined with other training (e.g. T Days, fitter’s course, frontline management). -
Has the Team Leader identified any OHS training needs for the team?
Verify through interview the team is adequately trained to handle their OHS responsibilities at work.
Have OHS training needs been identified by the TL and programmed by HR?
G. Communications
Does the Team communicate via regular meetings or other means to ensure OHS matters are discussed where appropriate?
Team should meet regularly (monthly).
Auditor should sight the appropriate minutes for the meetings or records of communication. -
How are meeting items followed-up and is this process effective?
Are outstanding actions followed up by the Team Leader?
Verify through sighting's, action plans, meeting minutes, emails etc. -
Is team aware of their OHS Committee representative and is there direct communication with the team on OHSC activities?
Verify from team meeting minutes and records of toolbox talks that the OHSC rep has spoken to the team on relevant policy & procedure issues discussed at the OHSC
H. Documentation and Records
Does the Team have access to all of the appropriate OHSMS documents and are the Team Leader and team members aware of how to locate such documentation?
Verify through interview that the Team has access to and can locate appropriate documentation.
Has the Team withdrawn obsolete hard copies of controlled documentation (including MSDSs) from active use?
Verify through inspection that current MSDSs are displayed or available, and storage of hard copies of documentation is current.
Check notice boards for obsolete policy & procedure -
Are OHS records maintained appropriately?
Records should be maintained in good condition and filed.
Examples of records to be checked:
*Inspection, maintenance and calibration *Monitoring records;
* risk assessment
*Audit reports and follow-ups,
*Meeting minutes etc.
I. Operational Control
Do relevant operating procedures used by the Team include OHS requirements where relevant?<br> <br>e.g. Technical group work instructions – do they include relevant OHS instruction<br>
Examine a sample/selection of operating documents to determine whether they include consideration of OHS issues. e.g. PRI’s, job sheets, Permits to Work
Record examples reviewed and any deficiencies identified during the audit. -
Are the Corporate OHSMS Standards current & relevant to team activities understood and are they being followed
Examine risk assessments/Take 5's and work instructions for compliance with relevant safety system and procedures
Interview team members in respect to their understanding of procedures -
Is the Team Leader responsible for any contracts (i.e. are they a Contract Administrator) YES / NO<br> <br>If YES:<br>(a) are Contractors OHSMP’s submitted as required ? (site specific and adequate detail)<br>b) Are OHSMP’s reviewed and approved by the Contract Administrator<br>(b)Has the contract Administrator arranged or carried out the appropriate OHS inspections and Audits ?<br>
J. Emergency Preparedness and Response
Is the Team aware of potential accident/emergency situations within their work area that can have serious safety implications?
Note verbal examples provided.
Is there access to rescue equipment and First Aid kits in the workplace?
Verify by inspection the location and condition of response equipment.
Do these kits have the necessary equipment and are they checked regularly?
Note who checks the equipment, and how often. Is there a record of the inspection? Is this undertaken as part of the workplace inspection?
Is there an adequate number of trained First Aiders?<br>Fire Response members for the Team (applicable to operator groups)<br>
Review records of training
Is the Team aware of how to deal with an accident/emergency situation and who to contact?<br>
Verify through interview that personnel are aware of emergency procedures and know emergency contact details.
Does the Team have access to the Emergency Services Plan and know how to find such documentation?
Verify through interview the Team knows where Emergency Plan information is located
Is the Team aware of the process for entering incidents/emergencies into Worksafe Online (WSO)?<br>
Verify though interview that the Team understands how to enter details into WSO.
K. OHS Monitoring and Measurement
Have monthly workplace inspections been carried out <br>
L. Nonconformity, Corrective and Preventive Action
Has team completed follow up actions arising from Hazards, Incidents and Near Misses in their area of control within designated timeframes<br>
Review WSO corrective action reports (OHSC)
Review priorities for action -
Is Team Leader completing accident investigations as per ‘Guidelines’ with adequate detail<br>
Review types of incidents, level of root cause analysis, recommendations, accountability for follow up and timeframes.
Has the Team completed any follow-ups arising from the last Work Team OHSMS Audit conducted on this team?
Review follow-up actions from previous audit and note progress
M. Team Self- Audits
Does the team conduct self audits of compliance?
Verify by inspections of completed audit documentation.
Non conformance's.
Recommendations/opportunities for improvement.
General comments