Customer details

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Address

  • Street tree address

  • Customer phone number

  • Number of trees on the same verge For multiple trees on verge address, one report per tree is to be completed

  • If more than one, please specify which tree will be assessed

  • Conducted on

  • Location

Tree Details

Tree Position

  • Take a position photo of the street tree

  • Tree location on verge

  • Distance from property boundary

  • Distance from kerb

  • Distance from path (if applicable)

  • Distance from nearest other verge tree (if more than one tree)

  • Are powerlines overhead?

  • If so, please specify

Condition Rating

  • Botanical Name

  • Common Name

  • Tree height

  • Canopy Width

  • Truck diameter

Tree Condition Rating

  • Condition rating: 1. Sound - tree found to be in a relatively structurally sound and healthy condition 2. Fair - tree showing sporadic symptoms of decline, defects or has poor form, although does not represent a risk factor to property or persons and can be improved by undertaking remedial works 3. Poor - tree is displaying excessive decline, has poor overall development, suppressed or has been severely reduced, subsequently reducing the life span of the tree or represents an immediate or future high level of risk, cannot be improved and requires removal.

  • Canopy

  • Comments

  • Photo

  • Trunk

  • Comments

  • Photo

  • Roots

  • Comments

  • Photo

Aesthetic Value rating

  • Aesthetic Value Rating

  • Aesthetic Value Rating The value of a tree is assessed on the basis of: - it's overall form and appearance as an individual specimen - it's size and relationship to other trees in the street

  • Comments

  • Photo



Tree Condition Rating

  • Remove

  • Comment

  • Adjoining property to be notified?

  • Is there enough space for a replacement tree/s?

  • If yes, list recommended species and number of trees to replace

  • Retain

  • Comment

  • Arborist report required?

  • Officers name

  • Officers signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.