Conducted on
Conducted by
Log a Complaint at CityMX
Please select the type of complaint
- Dust
- Noise
- Conduct or behaviour of Rider/staff/member of the public
- Condition of shared amenities (such as toilets, access roads etc)
- CityMX premises (signage, facilities)
- Hire bikes
- Track layout or condition
- Other
Please describe the cause of the complaint
Please outline the complaint and provide as much detail as possible.
Please upload photos to clarify the nature of the complaint
Have the persons making the complaint had their complaint acknowledged by the CityMX Site Manager or Founding Director?
Please explain why?
Has the complaint been resolved?
What needs to be done to resolve the issue?
Is there evidence that the person making the complaint is satisfied with the result?
Please outline the evidence including the date and circumstances upon which it was received.
Name of the person(s) making the complaint
Contact phone number of complainant
Contact email of complainant
Desired outcome of complainant
Is any further follow up action necessary?
Please make your supervisor aware of this so they can follow up.