
  • Cleaning Inspection


  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Select date

Cleaning Employee/Employee's

  • Is the correct P.P.E being worn?

  • Are the cleaners fully dressed in the correct uniforms?

  • Is equipment clean?

  • Are the cleaners using the cleaning equipment correctly?

  • Cleaners Name

  • Comments

Cleaning Stock Cupboard

  • Is the stock cupboard stocked and tidy

External Areas

  • Are entrance steps, ramp and paths clear and clean?

  • Are waste collection areas clean?


  • Are the floors and walls in the corridor clean?

  • Are there any cobwebs?

  • Are corridor doors incl push pads and glass panels clean

  • Are window frames and ledges clean?

  • Are skirting boards clean?

  • Are the lifts clean?<br>

  • Comments

Kitchen Areas

  • Has the rubbish bin been emptied?

  • Are all work surfaces and cupboards clean?

  • Are the sinks clean?

  • Are consumables being replaced?

  • Is the microwave clean?

  • Comments


  • Soap dispensers clean?

  • Vanity tops clean?

  • Mirrors clean?

  • Taps clean?

  • Basins clean?

  • Urinals clean?

  • Toilets clean?

  • Waste bins clean?

  • Floors clean?

  • Walls and doors clean?

  • Comments

Lounge / Communal space

  • Is the furniture clean?

  • Are there any cobwebs?<br>

  • Floor clean?<br>

  • Comments

Laundry Room

  • Is the sink Clean?

  • Floors clean?

  • Comments

Overall comments from inspection

  • undefined

Authorisation signatures

  • Site Manager.

  • Cleaning Supervisor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.