Site 20 Swallow Street
Client RSMD
Conducted on
Prepared by GM1 Supervisor Marco Da Silva
Main Reception Area
Vacuum and mop all areas lifts and entrance free from dust and marks
External entrance free from litter and spillages
All furniture , etc to be damp wipe free from dust and marks.
All entrance glass to be cleaned so as to be free of smears, stains and marks.
Entrance walls to be free of marks.
Entrance doors free from dust and marks
Staircase & Landings
Walls to be free of marks and stains
Windows frames free from dust
Doors free from stains and marks
Skirting to be free of dust
Handrails free of dust
Carpets to be free from stains and dust
Floor areas mopped free from dust and spillages
Fire extinguisher free from dust
Authorisation signatures
Auditor signature
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