Clearance Inspection Details

  • Prepared by

  • Prepared for

  • Report Number

  • Completed on

Clearance Report

  • Date and Time of Assessment:

  • Report to:

  • Client - Company and Person

Removal Details

  • Removal Company Name

  • Licensed Asbestos Removalist Supervisor (Record Licence number if applicable)

  • Removalist Contact Name

  • Removal Site Address:
  • Site Details (Building/Level/Floor/Unit)

  • Scope of Works:

  • Removal details (eg textured ceiling scrape)

  • Dates the removal work was carried out

  • Did you sight a copy of the Worksafe Notification?

  • Did you sight copy of of the Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)?

  • Are works consistent with control plan?

  • Is the Asbestos related/ removal works consistent with WorkSafe Notification, SMMS and Removal Plan?

  • Comments

Stage 1 - Preliminary Site Inspection

  • Appropriate signage and exclusion zones established?

  • Adequate equipment for inspection / removal?

  • Decontamination facilities provided and operational?

  • The area surrounding the removal zone and waste transit route was inspected and no visible asbestos or dust and debris was found.

  • Photo representative of the works area and set up

  • Stage 1 Preinspection Result

Stage 2 - Visual Inspection

  • All areas accessed?

  • Exclusions

  • Asbestos containing materials have been removed

  • The area immediately within the removal zone inspection area and the area immediately surrounding the removal zone was inspected and no visible asbestos or dust and debris was found.

  • Photo representative of the removal work

  • Comments

  • Stage 2 Visual Result

Stage 3 - Air Monitoring and Sampling

  • Air monitoring was carried out as part of the clearance inspection?

  • Samples collected?

  • Report number:

  • Stage 3 Air Monitoring and Dust Sampling Result

Stage 4 - Final Assessment

  • Stage 4 Assessment - Not required

  • Photo representative of inspection areas

  • Stage 4 Final Assessment Result



  • I the Assessor declare that:

  • I found no visible Asbestos residue from asbestos removal work in the area, or in the vicinity of the area, where the work was carried out; and

  • (If air monitoring was conducted as part of the clearance inspection), the monitoring shows the respirable fibre level does not exceed 0.01 fibres/ml; and

  • As far as can be determined from the clearance inspection, the asbestos removal area does not pose a risk to health and safety from exposure to asbestos.

  • Name of a Licenced Assessor and Assessor License Number

  • Select date

  • Assessor

  • Removalist/ Supervisor

  • Select date

  • Assessor

  • Removalist/ Supervisor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.