Document No.
Closer to the Edge Daily PPE Checks
Sandwell Adventure Centre
Sandwell Valley Park
Salter's Lane
West Bromwich
B71 4BG -
Conducted on
Prepared by
CTTE Instructors
Daily Risk Assessment
Met Office Weather Report -
Please comment on the weather conditions
Group Name and Group Size
Please insert the group name
Risk Assessment
Turn switch on for details of Lead Instructor Ranking
Lead Instructor Ability
Expert (1)
An instructor who has extensive knowledge of the activity with long-term experience of associated risks. The instructor will also have practical experience of emergency procedures and has also worked on two or more high ropes courses. Will probably hold ERCA or an equivalent level qualification appropriate to the activity.
Very Experienced (3)
An instructor who is likely to be similarly experienced as above, though may be lesser qualified, albeit with extensive experience. The instructor should have a broad knowledge of associated problems with experience of emergency procedures.
Skilled (6)
An instructor who is lesser qualified to the above (generally site specific), but is well practiced in ALL potential problem areas. May not though, have practical experience of emergency procedures.
Newly Trained (10)
Recently qualified instructor at ANY level with the appropriate activity. Caution required in adverse conditions, or with inexperienced students. -
Lead Instructor Ability
Turn switch on for details of Instructor Familiarity Ranking
Instructor Familiarity
Current (1)
The instructor has detailed knowledge of the area/site and is current. He/she is aware of the potential hazards involved, in respect of the activity undertaken.
Familiar (3)
The instructor is familiar with the area, though not extensively. Knowledge of potential hazards, appropriate to the activity(s) is well known.
Unfamiliar (6)
The instructor has recent transitional knowledge of similar activity areas and potential hazards, but is unfamiliar with the particular chosen location. Eg, An instructor who has solely worked at CTTE Sandwell who is required to work at CTTE Baggeridge.
Unknown (10)
The instructor neither knows the particular chosen activity area, or has recent transitional knowledge. Instructors with unfamiliarity in activity areas used and without any ‘up to date’ available information may also fall into this category. -
Instructor Familiarity
Turn switch on for details of Participant Ability Ranking
Participant Ability
Very Competent (1)
A participant who is at the appropriate course level and has enough experience to cope admirably with the activity. Must be mature and self efficient to deal with all potential problems, (even without the presence of the instructor) and show a high level ‘duty of care’. Certain individuals on ALL courses may fall into this category, though already qualified students training for higher-level awards are more likely to demonstrate this level of competence.
Competent (3)
A participant who is both capable and proficient to cope with activity diversities and be capable of taking care of oneself in almost any situation. The participant must be sensible with a ‘duty of care’. Generally reflects a participant as indicated above.
Inexperienced (6)
A participant who has undertaken the activity before, yet potentially lacks proficiency to cope alone. The instructor must have prior knowledge of the individual to award a higher level of competency.
Novice (10)
A participant who is completely new to the activity, or is unknown to the instructor. -
Participant Ability
Turn switch on for details of Environmental Conditions Ranking
Environmental Condition
Comfortable (1)
Environmental conditions that do not hinder the activity in any way. The environment should not be a concern to any student either physically or psychologically.
Uncomfortable (3)
Environmental conditions that may impede activity progress in some way. Students may feel some psychological concern when learning new skills.
Demanding (6)
Environmental conditions that may inhibit activity performances. Students are likely to demonstrate unease. Demanding conditions may lead to an increase in environmental dangers. Activity performance may be hindered by anxiety related problems.
Hostile (10)
Environmental conditions that is likely to inhibit activity performance. Students are highly likely to demonstrate increased anxiety, related stress, apprehension or even fear. There may be a risk of objective dangers being uncontrollable. -
Environmental Condition
Turn switch on for details of Local Weather Ranking
Local Weather
Good (1)
Calm weather conditions, which do not impede the activity.
Changeable (3)
Weather conditions such as rain, increased winds or changes in ambient temperature, which may affect activity.
Poor (6)
Weather conditions that are likely to affect activity, such as constant rain, sleet or snow, high winds, or large changes in ambient temperature. Weather conditions combined with certain environmental conditions may lead to increased dangers, such as when traversing a narrow ridge in high winds.
Stormy (10)
Extremely poor weather conditions, which will certainly affect the activity and therefore student performance. The overall activity risk is very likely to increase from that initially identified. -
Local Weather
Turn switch on for details of Team Ability Ranking
Team Ability
Expert (1)
A team who has at least one other member of the team whose ability is classified as ‘Expert’ and at least one other member classified as ‘Very Experienced’.
Very Experienced (3)
A team who has at least one other member of staff classified as ‘Very Experienced’ and the lowest qualified member of operating staff who is deemed ‘Skilled’.
Skilled (6)
A team with lesser experience than the above. The team will be qualified and well practiced in all Emergency and Accident procedures. This team may have a higher number of ‘Newly Trained’ staff.
Novice (10)
A newly formed team with a high number of recently qualified members. Eg, a Lead Instructor who is ‘Skilled’ and a team of ‘Newly Trained’ staff. -
Team Ability
Risk Factor
Please sign upon completion of the Daily Risk Assessment
Daily Ropes Checks
Lower Platform
Niko Rail
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Middle Platform
Safe Roller
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Zip Wire
Zip Wire
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Power Fan
Power Fan
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Safety Lanyard
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Tru-Blue 1
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Tru-Blue 2
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
High All Aboard
High All Aboard
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Climbing Wall
Climbing Wall
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Gladiator Climbs
Gladiator Climbs
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Jacobs Ladder
Jacobs Ladder
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Totem Pole
Totem Pole
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please take a picture of the equipment
Please write a detailed report
Please comment on any other details
Please sign upon completion of the Daily Ropes Checks
Daily Course Checks
General Course Checks
Are there any signs of tampering?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are there any signs of unauthorised access?
Unauthorised Access
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are there any signs of damage caused by vandalism?
Unauthorised Access
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are there any signs of foreign objects on or around the course?
Foreign Objects
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Storm Damage
Has there been any damage to the structure caused by storms?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Has there been any damage caused by water?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Has there been any damage caused by high winds?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Has there been any damage caused by lightning?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Ground Cover
Has any litter been removed from on and around the course?
Have all of the trip hazards been covered?
Trip Hazards
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is there a sufficient cover of gravel on the ground?
Ground Cover
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the ground cover fit for purpose?
Ground Cover
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Stabilising Wires
Are the stabilising wires showing signs of excessive wear?
Stabilising Wires
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the stabilising wires under sufficient tension?
Stabilising Wires
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the anchor points of the stabilising wires secure and stable?
Stabilising Wires
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the stabilising wires fit for purpose?
Stabilising Wires
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Central Elements
Are the Sheer Reduction Blocks in a fit for purpose condition?
Sheer Reduction Blocks
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the Maillons in a fit for purpose condition?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the Pulley Systems in a fit for purpose condition?
Pulley Systems
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the course obstacles in a fit for purpose condition?
Course Obstacles
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Aerial Traverses and Descents
Are the stairs in the tower clean?
Are all of the platforms in the tower clean?
Are all of the platforms free from ice and snow?
Has all the litter been removed from on the tower?
Niko Rail (Lower and Top Platform)
Are all of the trolleys free moving?
Niko Trolleys
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are any of the trolleys showing signs of wear and tear?
Niko Trolleys
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the connection points of the rail together and secure?
Connection Points
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the rail and trolleys fit for purpose?
Rail and Trolleys
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Safe Rollers and Wire
Are there any signs of damage to the Safe Roller trolleys?
Safe Roller Trolleys
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the lock of the central locking unit working effectively?
Central Locking Unit
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the wire in the correct position around the course?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the wire in a safe and fit for purpose condition?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Power Fan
Is the Maillon securely fastened and fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the tally counter working and increasing after each descent?
Tally Counter
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the drope recoiling effectively without jamming?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the frame and cover fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Please sign upon completion of Power Fan checks
Please countersign upon completion of Power Fan checks
Zip Wire
Is the brake anchor connected securely and fit for purpose?
Brake Anchor
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the wire of the zip wire fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the brake connected securely and fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the zip wire trolleys fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Please sign upon completion of Zip Wire checks
Please countersign upon completion of Zip Wire checks
Are the Tru Blu anchors secure and in a fit for purpose condition?
Anchor Point
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the Tru Blu's connected securely and in a fit for purpose condition?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the Tru Blu's recoiling and descending effectively and safely?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Ground Elements
Ground Anchors
Are there any signs of damage to the ground anchors?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is there an excessive amount of movement in any of the anchors?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the anchor points in the correct position?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the ground anchors fit for purpose?
Ground Anchors
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Jacobs Ladder
Is the connecting wire fit for purpose?
Connecting Wire
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the obstacles on the element fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the Maillons on the element secure and fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the equipment for the element fitted correctly and fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Gladiator Climbs
Is the connecting wire fit for purpose?
Connecting Wire
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the obstacles on the element fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the Maillons on the element secure and fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the equipment for the element fitted correctly and fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Climbing Wall
Are the holds on the wall secure and fit for purpose?
Climbing Holds
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Are the access boards secure and fit for purpose?
Access Boards
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the equipment for the element fitted correctly and fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
High All Aboard
Are the holds secure and fit for purpose?
Climbing Holds
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the platform secure and fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the access board secure and fit for purpose?
Access Board
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the equipment for the element fitted correctly and fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Totem Pole
Are the holds secure and fit for purpose?
Climbing Holds
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the top of the pole fit for purpose?
Top of Pole
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the access board secure and fit for purpose?
Access Board
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Is the equipment for the element fitted correctly and fit for purpose?
Please take a picture
Please write a detailed report
Please insert any other comments from the daily course schemes here
Please sign here upon completion of the Daily Course Checks