
  • Mill

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Combustible Dust Documentation

  • Check the box if the mill has a Wood Dust Control Program document, leave blank if not.

  • Has the manual been updated in the past 12 months?

  • Please explain why the mandatory annual update was not completed and what steps will be taken to ensure it is completed in a timely fashion going forward.

  • Enter the date of last document update.

  • Check the box if combustible dust sources have been listed.

  • Enter the date of last document update.

  • Check the box if Ignition sources have been listed in the document (leave blank if they have not.

  • Enter the date of last document update.

  • Check the box if Risk Assessment matrices (ignition source & fuel) for both operating and non-operating conditions are included in the manual. Leave blank if not.

  • Enter the date of last document update.

  • Check the box if a completed Risk Mitigation matrix is included in the manual, leave blank if not.

  • Enter the date of last document update.

  • Check the box if you were shown Daily Dust Inspection records.

  • Check the past 30 days, are all required daily checks up to and including the day before the audit accounted for?

  • Please explain why all daily audits were not completed and what action was taken to ensure this does not happen again.

  • Do daily dust audits show any instances of non-compliance?

  • Were all recorded non-compliances due to an upset condition?

  • Were program level changes (eg, changes to clean-up schedules, engineering changes to reduce reliance on manual clean-up) made to ensure the non-compliances do not happen again? Choose no if the response to the problem was only to deploy clean-up to the area at the time of failure.

  • Check the box if dust extraction system testing records are up to date (monthly), leave blank if not.

  • Check the box if Electrical equipment cleaning schedules and records are up to date, leave blank if not.

  • Check the box if the mill has comprehensive clean up schedules ensuring that clean-up personnel knows what and when cleaning should be completed. This should include hourly, quarterly, by shift and daily frequencies.

  • Please explain in detail how clean-up personnel know where they are supposed to be and at what frequencies different levels of accumulations are to be cleaned. Please also show the auditor how you would prove due diligence and show when an area would be cleaned should a regulating authority (WSBC) find an out of compliance. This information should prove that the mill has risk rated and is aware of the different rates of accumulation throughout the plant and should be verified by clean-up personnel.

  • Check a random sample of employee training records, check the box ONLY if 100% of records checked show employees have completed the Eclipse Combustible Dust training in the past 12 months.

  • Is the mill using other combustible dust training that they are able to show annual records for? If so, what is the training and why are they using it instead of the Eclipse modules? Please add comments to explain.

  • Check the box if the mill can show that they have an SWP for compressed air AND can show that it is reviewed by all employees. Check a random sample of employees including New & Young workers. Leave blank if not reviewed by 100% of sampled employees.

  • Check the box if the mill requires the use of the Compressed Air Pre-use Risk Assessment tool prior to using compressed air. Leave blank if not.

  • Check the box ONLY if records show that supervisors are completing Combustible Dust specific Safety Contacts with employees on occasion.

  • Check the box the mill uses the SWP for Electrical equipment cleaning, if not, explain why not in comments section.

  • Check the box the mill uses the SWP for Cleaning Heaters, if not, explain why not in comments section.

  • Check the box the mill uses the SWP for Addressing Combustible Dust Upset conditions , if not, explain why not in comments section.

  • Check the box if the mill has gone through the exercise of filling out the RACI chart, ensure they have actually defined RnR's as per site and not just included the template given to them as part of the documentation.

  • Check the box ONLY if the Senior Management team is reviewing the Dust Audit results at least weekly as part of their SQCDE process AND is capturing actions for improvement to the program where required.

  • How are opportunities being identified, tracked and managed?

Combustible Dust tour - Observations/ Interview questions

  • Do employees understand their responsibilities with respect to combustible dust?<br>Auditor should interview a sample of production, cleanup, maintenance and staff employees and compare answers to the RACI chart.<br>

  • Has the mill classified “work areas” appropriately? Defined by the various physical structures around it, which may enclose, contain or compartmentalize the area. Do zones in risk assessments match those in the inspection document?

  • Are clean-up schedules being used on the floor? Auditor to speak to clean-up personnel for confirmation.

  • Why not?

  • Are SWP for Electrical Equipment cleaning being used & adhered to? (Observations/employee interview) If not/why not?

  • Why not?

  • Are compressed air pre-work assessment cards being used? (Observations/ employee interview).

  • Why not?

  • Is the SWP for Combustible Dust Upset Conditions being used?

  • Is electrical equipment cleaning occurring in accordance with established schedule? Verify this during site tour if qualified individuals are available to open electrical equipment.

  • Why not?

  • Are ad hoc conversations about the hazards associated with wood dust and the importance of clean up and monitoring occurring? Check Observation history. Ask individuals on the floor during interviews for confirmation. If Observation history shows Combustible Dust observations are occurring but employee interviews cannot substantiate it, choose "No" for this question.

  • Is the topic of wood dust, its associated hazards and everyone’s responsibility to mitigation of the hazard discussed at SQCDE meetings? Check meeting minutes. Ask employees during interviews.

  • 12) Are improvement opportunities being identified in inspections, actioned and managed?

  • Please explain how.

  • Has the mill identified all present wood dust sources? Auditor to cross reference list with wood dust producing equipment seen during site tour.

  • Has the mill identified all ignition sources? Auditor to cross reference list with ignition sources seen during site tour.

  • Are observed practices consistent with risk mitigation matrices (ex. Compressed air used in such a way so as to prevent creation of a “dust plume”)? If not, why not?

  • Please explain in detail where the opportunities are.

Combustible Dust - Management team questions

  • What do you do if you are missing a clean-up person for a shift? What is the contingency plan for missing personnel?

  • What do you see as being the biggest barrier to successful implementation and maintenance of the combustible dust program today?

  • Do you feel that you have been provided with all necessary tools, knowledge and resources required to be successful? If not, what is missing?

  • What are you most proud of within your combustible dust program?

Loss Prevention Documentation

  • Has the mills Loss Prevention manual been updated in the past 12 months?

  • What was the date of the last review?

  • Does the mill have a written standard Hot Work management system that includes? Check all that apply:

  • Is the Hot Work Permit system used for? Check all that apply:

  • Are all permit precautions strictly adhered to? Check all that apply:

  • Does documentation show that Hot work is prohibited on foam-insulated metal wall, roof, and ceiling panels?<br>

  • Does documentation show that there is an in-house auditing system of the Hot Work program?

  • Do records show that the audit results are regularly shared with the Senior management team including the Mill Manager?

  • Is a ready-to-function emergency plan available at all times. <br>

  • Does documentation show that the required weekly Fire Protection system checks are being completed as required? Check all that apply:

  • Does documentation show that the required monthly Fire Protection system checks are being completed as required? Check all that apply:

  • Does documentation show that the required quarterly Fire Protection system checks are being completed as required? Check all that apply:

  • Does documentation show that the required semi-annual Fire Protection system checks are being completed as required? Check all that apply:

  • Does documentation show that the required annual Fire Protection system checks are being completed as required? Check all that apply:

  • Does documentation show that the required 3 year Fire Protection system checks are being completed as required? Check all that apply:

  • Does documentation show that the required 5 year Fire Protection system checks are being completed as required? Check all that apply:

  • Does documentation show that the required 10 year Fire Protection system checks are being completed as required? Check all that apply:

  • Does the mill have a comprehensive impairment plan?

  • Does documentation show that the impairment plan is diligently followed when required?

  • Why not?

Loss Prevention - Observations and Interviews

  • Do Managers understand their responsibilities to the Loss Prevention program?

  • Do Supervisors understand their responsibilities to the Loss Prevention program?

  • How? Have all Supervisors reviewed the Loss Prevention Manual?

  • Do Employees understand their responsibilities to the Loss Prevention program?

  • How were Employees made aware of their responsibilities?

  • Are alternatives to hot work are considered and encouraged at all times. The fire safety supervisor is required to review any such proposed work and determine if alternate methods are available. <br>

  • Are all Hot Work Permits filled out by the responsible supervisor prior to commencement of hot work activities? Auditor to ask a sample of employees including spark watch and maintenance.

  • Are all Hot Work permits filled out by someone other than the responsible supervisor audited for completeness by the responsible supervisor or a designate in a timely fashion? A timely fashion would be during the work process, checking afterwards is too late.

  • Why not?

  • Does the mill have an effective housekeeping program that include the following? Check all that apply:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.