Title Page
Specific location or 3rd party
Date of audit/inspection
Conducted by
Others invovled
Audit Form
Managment of project
Is the approach to the location appropriately signposted?
Is traffic management set up as per SLG requirements?
Is the location and/or works appropriately segregated?
Is there a Risk Assessment Method Statement (RAMS) present?
Is the RAMS specific to the works/task?
Are all workers signed off on the RAMS?
Where required, is there an appropriate lift plan in place?
Have all plant Certificates (GA2, GA1, etc.) been checked and recorded?
Have all operatives completed LSV's induction training?
Do all operatives have required training ( e.g. Safepass, CSCS card, Customer specific accreditation)?
Are all climbing staff qualified and have a valid cert?
Have all operatives completed any necessary local or site specific induction?
Have any necessary local Work Permits been completed?
Emergency Procedures
Does the RAMs contain appropriate emergency instructions?
Is there a suitable number and type of Fire Extinguisher available?
Is there a first aid kit available?
If yes, is the first aid kit complete and are all contents in date?
Is there sufficient eye wash on site?
Is there a nominated First Aider on site?
Is there a rescue kit on site?
Housekeeping and PPE
Is access and egress clear from obstruction?
Is the site free from slip, trip and fall hazards?
Are materials stored correctly and not causing obstruction?
Are all harness inspected and in date?
Are all operatives wearing the necessary PPE for works?
Are no smoking regulations being adhered to?
Tools and Equipment
Are 110v portable tools being used?
Are all tools and equipment fit for purpose and tagged?
Where required, have tools been PAT tested?
Driving and Vehicles
Are all vehicles parked suitably?
Is the driving for work checklist completed?
Does the vehicle appear to be in good condition?
Is the cargo area of the vehicle properly managed and organised?
Is the driver's cab area clean free from hazard?
Environmental Concerns
Are waste materials being stored correctly to ensure a hazard is not being created?
Is the site free from any contaminated or hazardous materials?
Are Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available for any chemical materials on site?
Is there a spill kit on site?
Are the works being completed to ensure that any watercourses in the area are not affected?
Are the works being completed to ensure the flora and fauna in the area are not affected?
Are works being completed to ensure noise levels are not exceeded?
Management of Energies
Is there a RF monitor on site and in calibration for site works?
Have any energies on site been isolated and Locked Out (LOTO)?
Have any RF hazards been identified and recorded?
Has the area been CAT scanned and/ or inspected?
Are there controls in place for electrical works?
Hazardous Conditions and Controls
Is equipment being installed as per specification (rigging, electrical, civils, other)?
Is the daily risk assessment completed and covering the works?
Are the weather conditions appropriate for climbing activities/ wind meter on site?
Is temporary lighting required for works?
Is there lone working on site, is the lone working policy being followed?
Have all near misses on site been documented ?
Is the crane or MEWP positioned and being used correctly?
Are exclusion zones / drop zones demarcated for working at height?
General Observations
Are there any other observations or comments that should be recorded?