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Site conducted
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Compliance Tour / front End
Are the weight scales calibrated daily?
Is the Food Inspection and Safety Manual at the front and does the management team trained on what to do when there is an inspection?
Compliance Tour / Batteries
Is there Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) available in receiving, at the battery counter and the service desk?
Is there a 2-bottle saline eyewash station present in the battery aisle and within expiration date?
Compliance Tour / Salesfloor
Are all fire doors clear, alarmed, and signed off weekly?
Are fire extinquishers inspected monthly and secured to the poles?
Is the top stock no more than 2 boxes high? Verify no boxes are near the sprinkler heads.
Randomly conduct price checks in consumables. Audit 25 items to POS to ensure scanned price matches tagged price. (example: gather 25 items and create a training receipt - compare prices to the shelf label). Are these items properly priced?
Is there a 5ft gap between features in the aisles?
Is there at least a 40" clearance inline to meet ADA requirements?
Compliance Tour / Receiving Area
Are pallets in the top of steel wrapped and do they have slot tags present with dates?
Is the merchandise properly rotated in pet food and treats?
Is the merchandise properly rotated in livestock feed and supplements?
Is the livestock cooler temperature log checked twice a day (am/pm)?
Have the AC pull a listing of associates with their forklift certification, is there a drug screen on file
Compliance Tour Exterior
Is the power equipment secured with the loop alarm?
Are the outside emergency exits labeled with "Do Not Block" signs and unblocked?
Is the store utilizing the yellow safety cords outside for securing merchandise?
Do the cart corrals have the "Please return cart" signage?
Bulk Propane Stores: Are associates trained with certification on file?
Have the rodent bait boxes been checked and filled in the last 7 days?
Are the sidewalks, curbs and light poles identified with yellow paint and concrete in good condition?
Is the parking lot free from slip, trip and fall hazards?
Are the required 4 Boxes set up and utilized in vault? (Denied, Other Must Retain, Current Transfers, FFL's)
Are trigger locks present on all displays?
Is the Youth Handgun Safety Act Notice poster displayed at the gun barn?
Is all 4473 paperwork filed appropriately with only the current day's business at the gun counter?
Is the secure room neat, clean and organized?
Are defective battery pallets stacked according to the SOP and wrapped tightly before shipment?
Is there a 2-bottle saline eyewash station present in the battery aisle and within expiration date?
Is there Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) available in receiving, at the battery counter and the service desk?
Are all fire doors clear, alarmed, and signed off weekly?
Is the live animal checklist being maintained?
Is the red steel racks bolted down with concrete anchors (min. 2 bolts opposite sides on all 4 legs) when pallets are parked underneath?
Is the store free of any temporary electrical cords and in compliance with OSHA regulations?
Are fire extinquishers inspected monthly and secured to the poles?
Is the top stock no more than 2 boxes high? Verify no boxes are near the sprinkler heads.
Are feature pallets at least 3ft high and with all corners covered?
Are Public View Monitors on and functioning properly?
Randomly conduct price checks in consumables.
Receiving Area
Is the Haz Mat area set up with blue barrels and supplies with the required signing per SOP?
Are electrical panels free from obstruction with a 3 foot clearance?
Observe forklift usage: Is the driver wearing a seatbelt and lights on?
Are pallets in the top of steel wrapped and do they have slot tags present with dates?
Is the Glad Handlock and wheel chock process being used?
Is there a 9-gallon blue eyewash station located within 25 feet of where the used batteries are stored in receiving?
Are the yellow protectors installed on the warehouse steel legs where pallets are parked underneath?
Are warehouse steel legs bolted down to concrete floor with a minimum of 2 bolts on opposite sides and on all 4 legs?
Is the Receiving PO area neat, clean, and organized with all freight processed within 24 hours?
Rotation and Expiration
Is the merchandise properly rotated in consumables using first in first out (FIFO)?
Is the merchandise properly rotated in pet food and treats?
Is the merchandise properly rotated in livestock feed and supplements?
Are all livestock and pet vaccines within the expiration date?
Is the livestock cooler temperature log checked twice a day (am/pm)?
Are the customer and associate accident files organized and keyed within 24 hours of notification?
Is the OSHA 300 Log Posted where required during 2/1 thru 4/30 then retained for 5 years?
Scan the QR code on the GovDocs poster, is it active? Are the Right to Work, Workers Comp, and Everify bulletins posted?
Is the personnel file cabinet locked and secured?
Is the Wellness Center up and meeting expectations listed on the ATK?
Have the AC pull a listing of associates with their forklift certification, is there a drug screen on file?