Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
General Requirements
If exit connects three stories or less, does separation have at least 1 hr fire rating?
Where exit connects four or more stories,modes separation have at least 2 hr fire rating?
Are all openings in means of egress protected by a fire door with closer?
Are there any openings or penetrations (excepting electrical conduit) into the exit enclosure assembly?
Are handrails provided within 30 inches of all portions of the require egress width of stairs?
Does this facility provide sleeping accommodations and cooking facilities for 16 or fewer persons?
Are Fire Evacuation procedures posted?
Is emergency information posted near a telephone?
Are Emergency Phone Numbers posted where they can be readily found in case of an emergency?
Are aisle widths maintained?
Are aisles in good condition?
Are aisles kept clean and free of obstructions?
Are aisles and passageways properly illuminated?
Are aisles marked?
Are fire aisles, access to stairways, and fire equipment kept clear?
Is there safe clearance for equipment through aisles and doorways?
Are aisles marked and maintained in good condition?
Means of Egress
Are exit enclosures used for any purpose (storage, equipment, etc) that could interfere with its use as an exit?
Are exit access corridors serving more than 30 separated from other parts of the building by 1 hr fire resistance ( existing buildings exempted)?
Is the Flame Spread for Interior Finish and Exits limited to Class A or Class B?
Is there a minimum ceiling height of 7 feet 6 inches (7 feet in existing buildings) maintained in means of egress?
Are there any projections from the ceiling below 6 feet 8 inches (7 feet in existing buildings) in the means of egress?
Is the means of egress by a ramp or stair where elevation difference is more than 21 inches between levels?
Are all components of the means of egress (doors, stairs, ramps, passageways, signs) constructed in a substantial manner?
Is the way of exit travel obvious?
Are means of egress unlocked when building is occupied?
Do all doors within a means of dress have a minimum of 32 inches clear width (28 inches in existing buildings)?
Do doors swing in the direction of travel if serving an area with occupant load of 50 or more?
Do screen and storm doors also swing in the direction of travel if serving an area of occupant load of 50 or more?
Do all doors in means of egress open easily from the egress side and not require the use of a key, tool, or special knowledge for operation?
Do stair enclosure doors allow re-entry from the stair enclosure to the interior of the building?
Required Panic Hardware and Fire Exit Hardware cannot be equipped with any locking device, set screw, or other arrangement to prevent the release of the latch.
Are required self-locking doors kept closed and not blocked open (with wedges, blocks, etc)?
Do stairs in existing buildings maintain a minimum clear width of 44 inches?
Do stairs in existing buildings have a maximum riser height of 7.5 inches (8 inches for Class B)?
Do stairs in existing buildings have a minimum tread depth of 10 inches (9 inches for Class B)?
Do stairs in existing buildings maintain minimum headroom of 6 feet 8 inches?
Do stairs in existing buildings maintain a maximum height of 12 feet between landings?
Are means of egress more than 30 inches above grade protected with handrails/guardrails?
Are handrails provided within 44 inches of all portions of the required egress width of stairs (30 inches in new buildings)?
Is there a minimum of 1.5 inches clearance between handrail and wall?
If exit connects three stories or less, does separation have at least a 1 hr fire rating?
Where exit connects four or more stories,modes separation have at least a 2 hr fire rating?
Are all openings in means of egress protected by a fire door with a closer?
Are there any openings or penetrations (excepting electrical conduit) into the exit enclosure assembly?
For Sleeping or Living areas above or below the level of exit discharge, is the Primary means of egress an enclosed interior stair, an exterior stair,a horizontal exit, or an existing fire escape stair?
Does each Sleeping and Living Room have a second means of escape (a window is acceptable if within 20 feet of grade or directly accessible to fire department rescue)?
If a story has more than 2,000 square feet or if travel to primary means of escape is greater than 75 feet, are 2 separate primary means of escape remotely located (existing buildings excepted)?
Are all doors in means of escape unlocked when occupied?
Are all stairways at least 22 inches wide?
Are risers uniform in height and conform to proper height?
Are stair railings of standard height (30-34 inches above surface)?
Are stairway handrails capable of withstanding a load of 200 pounds, applied within 2 inches of the top edge, in any downward or outward direction?
Are standard railings provided on the open side of exposed stairs?
Are steps on stairs and stairways designed or provided with a surface that renders them slip resistant?
Do stairs angle no more than 50 and no less than 30 degrees?
Does every stairway having 4 or more treads have a hand rail?
Where doors or gates open directly on a stairway, is there a platform provided so the swing of the door does not reduce the width of the platform to less than 21 inches?
Where stairs or stairways are present in any area where vehicles may be operated, are adequate barriers and warnings provided to prevent employees from stepping into the path of traffic?
Any emergency power supply?
Are doors which are required to serve as exits designed and constructed so that the way of exit travel is obvious and direct?
Are doors, passageways or stairways that are neither exits nor access to exits and which could be mistaken for exits, appropriately marked "Not An Exit", etc?
Are exits kept free of obstructions?
Are exits properly marked?
Are the directions to exits, when not immediately apparent, marked with visible signs?
Are windows which could be mistaken for exit doors made inaccessible by means of barriers or railings?
Are all primary escape routes protected by protected vertical openings?
If the previous question is not answered satisfactory, is this a building with three or fewer stories and protected with an approved automatic sprinkler system?
Is interior finish on walls and ceilings of occupied spaces either Class A, B, or C?
Is facility protected by a Fire Alarm System? (NOTE: existing battery-powered detectors are acceptable when the facility can demonstrate adequate testing, maintenance and battery replacement to the Authority Having Jurisdiction).
Are all sleeping rooms separated from escape route corridors by smoke resistant walls and doors (no operable louvers or transoms)?
Are interior finishes in accordance with Table A-6-5.2 of the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code?
Electrical Systems
Are all cord and cable connections intact and secure?
Are all disconnecting switches and circuit breakers labeled to indicate their use or equipment served?
Are all electrical raceways and enclosures securely fastened in place?
Are circuit breakers accessible to personnel, protected from physical damage, and located away from ignitable material?
Are clamps or other securing means provided on flexible cords or cables at plugs, receptacles, tools, equipment, etc., and is the cord jacket securely held in place?
In wet or damp locations, are electrical tools and equipment appropriate for the use or location or otherwise protected?
Is sufficient access and working space provided and maintained about all electrical equipment to permit ready and safe operations and maintenance?
Is the use of metal ladders prohibited in areas where the ladder could come in contact with energized conductors?
Special Provisions
Are required means of egress kept clear of obstructions or impediments?
Are exits kept clear of obstructing furnishings and decorations?
Are draperies, hangings, and/or mirrors placed so as to not obstruct exits or confuse the direction of exit?
Are all Life Safety features, such as detectors, sprinklers, alarms, standpipes, etc., properly tested and maintained?
Has an individual been designated to supervise or conduct required testing and maintenance?
Are Fire Exit Drills regularly conducted at unexpected times and under unusual conditions?
Are "EXIT" signs lighted?
Assembly Occupancies
Des this facility accommodate 50 or more persons?
Does this facility utilize "concentrated use" Witt fixed seating?
If the answer above is yes, is occupant load limited to one person per 7 net square feet?
Does this facility utilize "festival seating"?
If the answer above is yes, is the occupant load limited to one person per 15 net square feet when use is not "concentrated"?
Is there a Main Entrance/Exit that accommodates at least half the occupant load and located at the level of exit discharge?
If this is a "Class A Assembly" (>1000), are there at least 4 separate means of egress remotely located from each other?
If this is a "Class B Assembly" (301-1000), with an occupant load >600, are there at least 3 separate means of egress remotely located from each other?
If this is a "Class B Assembly" (301-1000), with an occupant load between 300 & 599, are there at least 2 separate means of egress remotely located from each other?
If this is a "Class C Assembly" (50-300), with an occupant load between 300 & 599, are there at least 2 separate means of egress remotely located from each other?
Are any means of egress through kitchens, storerooms, closets, restrooms, or other hazardous areas?
For non-fixed seating, are minimum Aisle Widths maintained?
Are minimum "Aisle Accessways" maintained?
Is travel distance to an exit 150 feet or less (200 feet or less if protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system)?
Is Emergency Lighting provided?
Are exit signs provided where required?
Are exit doors at least 28 inches minimum width?
Are doors with deadbolt locks marked to indicate they are to remain unlocked during business hours?
Are exits common with other occupancies in the same building adequate for all?
Are Directional Exit Signs provided where needed?
Are exit doors with latches or locks provided with "Panic Hardware" when occupancy exceeds 100?
Are exit signs lighted?
Do all doors in any means of egress swing in the direction of exit travel?
Lodging Occupancies
Does this building provide sleeping accommodations for 16 or fewer persons?
Does every sleeping room and living area have access to a primary Means of Escape?
If sleeping room is above or below the level of exit discharge, is the primary means of escape an enclosed interior stair, an exterior stair, a horizontal exit, or an existing fire escape stair?
Does each sleeping room and living area have access to a secondary means of escape?
Is any door or path of travel in a means of escape less than 28 inches in clear width (24 inches for bathrooms)?
Is the Lodging/Rooming House provided with a fire alarm system initiated by manual means?
If the answer above is no, is there a smoke detection system with at least one manual fire alarm station per floor?
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Are all Fire Extinguishers inspected and recharged regularly, and noted on the inspection tag?
Are appropriate fire extinguishers mounted, located, and identified so that they are readily accessible to employees?
Are portable fire extinguishers provided in adequate number and type?