Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. General
1.1 Required posters and signs displayed legibly and properly?
1.2 First aid supplies readily available?
2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
2.1 PPE in good condition?
2.2 Lack of, or inadequate PPE (including sun protection), hardhats, eye glasses, safety vests/ colors, long pants, masks, gloves, etc.
2.3 Safety supplies adequate for job manpower?
3. Housekeeping / Work Environment
3.1 Fabrication and work areas clean and orderly?
3.2 Restrooms and eating areas are clean?
3.3 Insufficient lighting?
3.4 Lack of, or inadequate noise/ vibration control?
4. Fire Protection
4.1 Fire fighting equipment well marked and accessible?
4.2 Employees trained to use fire fighting equipment?
4.3 Fire extinguishers inspected monthly?
4.4 Smoking prohibited where flammables are located?
4.5 Flammables stored and handled in approved containers?
5. Material Handling and Storage
5.1 Materials stored neatly in stacks or piles?
5.2 Storage areas kept clear of scrap, debris, and trash?
5.3 Cranes operated in a safe manner by operators?
6. Tools
6.1 Unsafe or damaged small tools and equipment?
6.2 Incorrect small tools / equipment used for the job?
6.3 Unlicensed operators?
7. Welding and Cutting
7.1 Gas cylinders stored upright and secured?
7.2 Welding leads in good condition?
7.3 Welding screens erected in high flash areas?
7.4 Welding blankets used to protect materials/equipment?
7.5 Fire watches posted as needed?
7.6 Proper permits issued and posted?
8. Electrical
8.1 Heavy duty extension cords are well maintained?
8.2 Lack of Ground Fault protection? (GFCI)
8.3 Welders and stationary equipment properly grounded?
8.4 Sufficient lighting equipped to work and move safely?
8.5 Lockouts used to de-energize operational systems?
8.6 Potential contact with overhead electrical lines?
9. Ladders
9.1 Straight ladders set up with a 4 to 1 slope?
9.2 Workers use the proper height ladder for the job?
9.3 Ladder unsuitable for job? (e.g. metal ladder used for electrical work)
9.4 Climbing the back of a stepladder prohibited?
10. Scaffolds
10.1 All scaffolds parts and hardware used as required?
10.2 All scaffolds hardware and parts in good condition?
10.3 Lack of inspection protocol for scaffolds? (colored tags & inspection logs)
10.4 Unlicensed persons erecting scaffold above 12 feet?
10.5 Wheels on rolling scaffolds locked during scaffold use?
10.6 Safe Work Load (SWL) exceeded? (tools, stored material, number of persons)
11. Manlifts
11.1 Manlifts in good operating condition?
11.2 Only trained employees allowed to operate manlifts?
11.3 Lack of daily inspection protocol?
12. Lifting Equipment
12.1 Lifting Equipment in good operating condition?
12.2 Loads lifted over persons, close proximity to obstacles including overhead power lines?
12.3 Only trained employees allowed to operate equipment?
12.4 Lack of daily inspection protocol?
13. Handrails and Hole Covers
13.1 Perimeters and drop-offs protected by rails or cables?
13.2 Floor holes protected by railings or hole covers?
14. Excavations and Trenches
13.1 Excavations 5 feet or deeper are shored, sloped or boxed?
13.3 Excavated spoils stored at safe distance from work?
13.4 Barricades placed on all open sides at end of shift?
13.5 Ladders placed every 50 feet for entry and egress?
13.6 Excavations de-watered as needed?
13.7 Backfill replaced as soon as possible>
14. Fall Protection
14.1 Fall risks of 6 feet or more present? (Including voids, pits and trenches)
14.2 Unsafe or damaged harness or equipment?
14.3 Unsafe or uncertified anchor points?
14.4 Lack of inspection protocol for fall protection equipment?
14.5 Lack of or inadequate formal training for operator?
15. Employee Communication
15.1 Do foremen communicate with their crews?
15.2 Are safety meetings held weekly with all employees?