Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
SQF System Elements
Management Responsibility: Does the site have a Quality and Food Safety Policy?
Management Responsibility: Are staff empowered to act to resolve food safety issues within their scope of work?
Management Responsibility: Are adequate resources available to meet Hoffmaster requirements?
Management Responsibility: Does the site have an organizational chart that is adequate to meet food safety standards?
Management Responsibility: Does the site have a designated primary and substitute SQF practitioner with responsibility and authority to manage the food safety system?
Management Responsibility: Is SQF practitioner employed by the company?
Management Responsibility: Has the SQF Practitioner completed a HACCP training course?
Management Review: Does the site review with senior management tracking and trending of internal audits, complaints, and verification and validation activities?
Management Review: Does the site have records of management reviews?
Complaint Management: Does the site have a Complaint Management policy?
Food Safety Management System: Does the site have a Food Safety Management System?
Document Control: Does the site have a document control policy?
Records: Does the site have a records policy that explains the methods, frequency, and responsibility for verifying, maintaining, and retaining records?
Approved Supplier Program: Does the site have an Approved Supplier Program to select, evaluate, approve, and monitor Suppliers?
Food Legislation: Does the site have a policy to ensure product meets food legislation requirements application to food safety, packaging, and product descriptions?
Good Manufacturing Practices: Does the site have a GMP Policy?
Does the production floor adhere to the documented GMP Policy?
Food Safety Plan: Does the site have a HACCP Plan?
Food Safety Plan: Does the flow diagram reflect the production floor process?
Food Safety Plan: Does the HACCP Plan have a hazard analysis identifying all potential hazards and implemented controls to reduce or eliminate hazard?
Product Release: Does the site have a process to ensure that product is acceptable to ship prior to release?
Validation and Effectiveness: Does the site have a validation policy explaining how they ensure GMPs achieve required results?
Verification Activities: Does the site have a verification schedule explaining how they verify systems?
Corrective and Preventative Action: Does the site have a CAPA policy?
Internal Audits and Inspections: Are internal audits completed at the site to ensure applicable food safety requirements are met?
Internal Audits and Inspections: Does the site have a method to review internal audit results with relevant management personnel?
Product Identification: Does the site have a method to identify raw material and finished goods at the site?
Product Trace: Does the site have the ability to trace one-up (1st customer) and one-back (Supplier)?
Product Withdrawal and Recall: Does the site have a Withdrawal and Recall policy?
Product Withdrawal and Recall: Does the Withdrawal and Recall policy outline communication plan that includes communication to Hoffmaster?
Food Defense Plan: Does the site have a documented Food Defense Plan?
Food Defense Plan: Does the Food Defense Plan identify the senior site management person responsible for food defense?
Food Defense Plan: Does the site control access to the facility?
Food Fraud: Does the site have a Food Fraud policy?
Food Fraud: Does the site have a food fraud vulnerability assessment and mitigation plan?
Allergen Management: Does the site have a Allergen Management policy?
Allergen Management: Does the site have a list of allergens that is accessibly to employees?
Allergen Management: Does the site have a process to ensure proper changeover is effective and all requirements are met?
Allergen Management: Does the Allergen Program have written method to mitigation of introducing unintended allergens through supplier, employee, or visitors?
Training Program: Does the site have a documented training program?
Training Program: Does the site train annually on GMPs, Allergen management, food defense, and food fraud for all relevant staff?