Title Page
SECTION 1: Contractor Details:
Task Being completed:
Contractor/Company completing the work:
Machinery or equipment involved:
Confirmation the task to be completed is not a HIGH RISK activity requiring a permit to work?
Name of person(s) completing works:
Lead contractor telephone number:
Duration of work: Start date/Time:
Duration of work: End date/Time:
SECTION 2: Contractor checks (to be completed by Issuer)
Has the contractor provided a suitable method statement for the work to be completed?
Has the contractor provided a suitable Risk Assessment for the work to be completed, covering all aspects of work?
Has the contractor provided evidence of competencies for all staff involved in the work to be completed?
Has the contractor provided certificates to confirm all work equipment being used is in a safe condition for use?
SECTION 3: Induction and PPE
Have all contractor staff involved in the work completed a site induction within the last 12 months?
Do all contractor staff have suitable PPE for the work to be completed?
SECTION 4: Interaction with the operation:
With the work being completed by the contractor effect any part of the business operationally, including the need for the fire detection systems to be isolated?
Will the business operation effect any of the contractors work being completed?
Any additional comments:
SECTION 6: Confirmation Works can commence:
Signed on behalf of PKF
Signed by lead contractor:
SECTION 7: Confirmation work has been completed, area inspected, and the area is safe for use:
Signed on behalf of PKF
Signed by lead contractor: