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Client / Site
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Health and safety information
Is there a copy of the latest health and safety policy statement signed and dated by a senior manager or director on display?
Is there a copy of health and safety law poster on display with the appointed persons detailed?
Is there an up to date copy of employers liability certificate on display?
Is there a site H&S appointed person?
Inductions and training
Are staff suitably inducted in their responsibilities in regards to specific health and safety? Evidence can be staff induction record of any choice.
Are staff suitably trained in first aid? Evidence can be first aid training certificates.
Are staff suitably trained in regards to manual handling?
Is there a training register on site detailing staff training requirements and their ongoing status?
Organising and plannng
Is there a set standard outlining the procedure for risk assessments?
Are there copies available of the most recent risk assessments?
Are risk assessments reviewed? (at least within the last 3 years)
Are there suitable safe systems of work available and relevant? NOP and SOPs
Is there a site specific crisis management plan?
Fire safety
Is there evidence of suitable staff training and induction relevant to fire safety?
Are staff suitably trained in the site fire evacuation process? Evidence would be fire training certificates or induction records.
Are there appointed fire marshals on site identified on a rota basis?
Is there an up to date site specific fire risk assessment?
Is there a site specific fire evacuation plan?
Is there evidence of suitable contractor training and induction relevant to fire safety?
Are fire extinguishers checked weekly?
Are fire extinguishers serviceable and in date?
Are fire life safety systems suitably covered by a service contract?
Have COSHH risk assessments been completed for all site hazardous substances?
Are the relevant safety data sheets available?
Are there COSHH training records completed for employees who handle substances?
Are chemicals stored safely on site?
Is there suitable PPE on site in appropriate locations?
Is the PPE subject to regular checks?
Is there suitable safety signage displayed in areas where COSHH requirements are?
First aid
Is there suitable first aid equipment on site?
Is the defibrillator checked daily?
Are there suitable first aid supplies and equipment checks in place? (Minimum weekly)
Are suitable first aid signs on display in appropriate places?
Are there trained first aiders on site? Evidence would be an up to date first aid certificate.
Are there suitable accident and incident reporting procedures in place?
Plant and equipment
Are the fixed electrical systems subject to routine safety inspections?
Are portable electrical appliances subject to annual safety tests?
Are power sockets in a safe condition and not overloaded with multi sockets and trailing leads?
Are adequate standards of cleanliness and housekeeping met in plant room areas? Visit at least 2 main plant areas.
Does the site have suitable contractors in place to maintain and support the plant?
Are plant room areas suitably signed as restricted areas and kept locked?
Are all plant room areas suitably checked on a routine basis and recorded on a check list?
Are fire exits clear and unobstructed?
Gym equipment
Is the gym equipment regularly serviced and maintained by a suitable contractor?
Is the gym equipment suitably checked for safety and general condition?
Pool and water
Is there an up to date pool health and safety management arrangements? NOP - EAP - SOPs
Are there suitable risk assessments in place that are in date?
Is there a working poolside alarm in place with suitable signage?
Are pool tests completed as required?
Is the equipment for testing water quality in good working order?
Are the water tests carried out and recorded by competent persons?
Are independent pool water bacterial analysis tests taken at least monthly?
Are pool plant operators suitably trained?
Are independent water bacterial analysis tests taken at least monthly?
Is there a site Legionella risk assessment with control measures that are followed?<br>
Are the hot water tanks or storage temperatures monitored and recorded?
Is the cold water temperature monitored and recorded?
Sauna and steam rooms
Is there safe operational procedures in place?
Is there suitable safe user information in place outside the facilities?
Are there suitable daily safety checks completed?
Managing contractors and maintenance
Is there a documented process for contractors on site?
Is there a suitable work permit system?
Is there a routine maintenance schedule on site detailing issues and follow up?
Are tools and equipment routinely checked for safe use and recorded?
Are ladders routinely checked for safe use and recorded?
Are all users of ladders been suitably trained?
Are workshop areas in good safe order? (If no workshop then tick as yes)
Are there suitable detailed arrangements for assisting less able bodied persons on site? NOPs
Are there suitable physical means of escorting less able bodied persons site? (Lifts - pool hoists)
Have DSE assessments been carried out for users of display screens and follow up actions planned?
Are there appropriate licences in place for Spa treatments?
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