Title Page
Site conducted
Site Project Manager
Contracts Manager
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Entrance/Access - including off site/site perimeter
The external area is clean, tidy and safe for the general public
The gates were secured or being managed at all times
There is a defined pedestrian access point
The pedestrian access route was safe, well lit and has directional signage to the welfare/site office
Parking was available for Contractors and Visitors
Directional signs for operative/visitor parking is in place
A gate person was managing the access/egress
Site Hoarding is erected at the site entrance as per the defined standard
The managers contacts details were on display at the entrance
Construction vehicles are not blocking the footpath or highway
The footpaths and highway is free from dirt/mud
No materials or equipment are stored outside of the site boundary
Site Cleanliness and Housekeeping inc waste management and control
The site is clean and tidy with materials and waste being stored in a safe manner
Waste is being secured to prevent migration around and off the site i.e. secured skips/bins
Waste is being separated as required
All contractors are managing/removing their waste on a daily basis and keeping their work area clean
The offices and Site Welfare (including contractors welfare) were being maintained in a clean and tidy manner
No materials, tools or equipment were being stored in any welfare or site offices/meeting rooms/toilets
On and Off Site Safety - as per the controls in the CPP, CEMP, RAMS etc
Pedestrian routes are in place to and from the welfare/work area
Ground conditions are clean, compact and safe for plant operations and operatives
All materials are stored in a safe and secure manner
All operatives are wearing A.& H. logoed PPE
Operatives are wearing the correct PPE for the task and are wearing it correctly
No Radios are being used, including personal radios on phone etc
Mobiles Phones are not being used in the construction area
Plant operating areas are segregated by the contractors using their own barriers
Work at Height areas are being segregated by the contractors using their own barriers to prevent access
Any equipment inspected/checked is in good order or is taken out of service
Site Safety Access/Egress Lighting is installed to provide safe access to and from the work area and within the work area
Areas where falls could occur are segregated sufficiently with suitable barriers/edge protection
Barriers/toe boards are installed where materials or equipment could fall from height
Contractors are using there own barriers at all times
There is no Smoking or Vaping on site
There is a suitable drying room to store and dry PPE
Specialist Welfare was in place as required for the task or to meet cultural needs
All excavations are being managed correctly including barriers, access, design, inspections
All off site works relating to our project are compliant and safe
All Work at Height is being undertaken in a safe manner inc correct equipment for the task
All deliveries are being managed correctly, including lorries being banked when reversing
All highways/footpath works are being managed correctly inc signs, traffic management, supervision
Fire Hazards are being managed and controlled i.e. Hot Works, fuel storage
All visitors/client personnel are being escorted around the site
Fire and Emergency Processes and controls
Calibrated Fire Fighting equipment is available on site Powder and CO2 extinguishers
Means of raising the fire alarm was in place and is suitable for the site conditions i.e. Linked alarms, fire bells
The Muster Point is clearly defined
Fire Drills are taking Place on a regular basis and are being recorded
Fire Escape routes are clearly defined
Fire Plans are available on site and have been reviewed with the contractors
All Accidents and Incidents are being recorded and reported to head office
Close Calls are being being recorded and reported to head office
Any Accident, Incident or Close Calls has been closed out and the actions recorded
RIDDOR reportable accidents or Incidents are being recorded and reported to head office
Any theft from site is being recorded and reported to head office
Quality - including cladding, drainage, concrete etc
Quality audits are being undertaken at defined witness points
Quality Inspections are being undertaken at defined Hold Points on cladding, drainage, concrete etc
A. & H. Management team have undertaken Quality Inspections at defined Hold Points and Witness Points
Evidence of drainage surveys has been provided and confirmed as acceptable before hard standings are installed
Cladding and concrete inspectors are undertaking inspections and providing reports
Any Quality issues noted, have been reviewed and closed out with the relevant contractors
Site Documents inc Permits, Registers, Inspections
All RAMS, permits, registers and inspections are in place as required for the work taking place
The permits, registers and inspections are being completed on the A&H paperwork, as part of our ISO procedure
The documents inspected at the time, were completed correctly and compliant i.e. permits, registers, inspections
The Construction Phase Plan is in place and is being reviewed and updated by the Site Management Team
The RAMS review process is being followed by the site management team
Temporary Works designs are in place for all Temporary Work activities
Temporary Work documents are being completed inc the TW register, permit to proceed etc
Up to date site service drawings are available and are being reviewed with any contractor who is breaking ground
Up to date service drawings are being issued with the permit to excavate/break ground
Written evidence of Live Service isolation is available, where contractors are required to work on or near them
All Non Conformances are being recorded and reported to head office
Environmental Management inc noise, dust, vibration
Dust is being managed and controlled using either water suppression, vacuum, controlled construction methods
Noise controls were in place i.e noise screens, monitoring, set working hours for noisy activities, low noise equipment/processes
- Yes
- No
- N/A
- Advisory
- Not Checked During Audit
Vibration Control measures were in place i.e. monitoring, low vibration equipment/processes
- Yes
- No
- N/A
- Advisory
- Not Checked During Audit
COSHH is being managed with fuels, hazardous substances stored and disposed of correctly
Waterways are protected with drains/gullies having filters, sand bags
Tree Protection Measures are in place i.e. sign, barriers, defined work zones
Flora/Fauna controls are in place i.e. ocologist, environmentalist, set working times/periods to protect mammals/birds
Health Surveillance/Management - inc signage/PPE
Health Surveillance is being undertaken including on pre-induction
Vibration Control measures ar in place and were being followed i.e. set working times, list of vibratory equipment
Dust Control Measures were in place and were being followed i.e. Vacuums, dust suppression, respiratory equipment
Noise Control Measures were in place and were being followed i.e. hearing protection, safety signs, defined zones
- Yes
- No
- N/A
- Advisory
- Not Checked During Audit
Evidence of Health surveillance is in place for operatives working with asbestos
Management Resources
All contractors had a named and competent supervisor on site at all times
The named supervisor is managing all operatives and contractors under their control
The supervisors are ensuring full compliance with all rules, procedures and Safe Systems of Works relating to their activities
Safety Inspections/Audits/Briefings/Non Conformance
All contractors supervisors are undertaking weekly safety audits
The Contractors have provided detailed Safety Audits which were undertaken by their Contracts Manager or HS advisor,
A. & H. Management team are undertaking weekly Site Safety Briefings with the contractors
The contractors supervisor is undertaking daily/weekly safety briefings with all operatives and contractors under their control
Regular Tool Box Talks have been completed with the contractors and by the contractors
Contractors Directors, Contracts Managers or Supervisors are managing and issuing Non Conformances
Forward Planning
Forthcoming work have been reviewed
The associated hazards and risks have been discussed
The required controls are in place to address the associated hazards and risks
All relevant paperwork is in place for the works i.e. permits, licenses, RAMS etc