Title Page

  • Conducted on:

  • Conducted By:

Conveyor Accessways

  • Inspect the condition and security of all conveyor hand railing, grid-mesh clamps, ladders, gates and platforms. (Minimum 4 clips per floor mesh section).

Conveyor Guarding

  • Perform machine guarding safety inspection in the general location to confirm all guards have been replaced and machine is ready for service. (Must be secured in a way that requires tooling to remove and prevents access to rotating components).


  • Inspect for any miss alignment, looseness, wear or damage. Report on condition of coupling elements and bolts and replace if required.

Fluid Coupling(If Applicable)

  • Remove coupling guard and inspect for seal leaks. Inspect rubber spider element for wear or damage. Ensure fasteners intact and secure. Inspect Thermal plugs for damage or leaks. (No leaks, spider element in good condition, fasteners secure and thermal plug intact and not leaking).

Discharge Chute

  • Check all chute fasteners are intact and secure (Fasteners secure).

  • Inspect chute for corrosion (No corrosion).

  • Inspect chute door, hinges and bolts for signs of corrosion and report damage found (No corrosion or damage).

  • Inspect chute door hinges for loose or missing bolts and replace as required (Fasteners secure).

  • Visual inspection for Wear liner condition. Use thickness tester. (Wear Liners over 5mm thick and in operational condition).

Discharge Chute Deflector Plate

  • Inspect chute deflector plate liners for excessive wear. (Liners in operational condition).

  • Inspect deflector plate retention mechanism for corrosion, damage or loose fasteners. (No corrosion or damage).

Diverter Chute(If Applicable)

  • Check all chute fasteners are intact and secure.

  • Inspect diverter chute for corrosion.

  • Visual inspection on cylinder for external leaks to seals, fittings and damage.

  • Visual inspect for signs of excessive corrosion.

  • Check fasteners and clevis pins are intact and secure.

  • Check condition of dust bellows.

  • Visual inspection of hoses for leaks, chaffing and damage.

  • Inspect gate and slides for wear.

  • Visual inspection to ensure gate and stops are intact and secure.

  • Visual inspection for Wear liner condition. Use thickness tester. (Wear Liners over 5mm thick and in operational condition).


  • Inspect clamping mounting brackets for corrosion or mechanical damage.

  • Inspect for rubber skirting wear and condition. Adjust as required. (Skirt should just be touching belt. Unsupported steel skirt board tolerances no more than 10mm).

  • Inspect skirt box internal wear liner fasteners are intact and secure. Ensure bolts heads have not been worn too far.

  • Inspect rubber skirting for wear and damage. Check skirt contact with the belt and ensure no spillage. Check security of clamping plates, mounts and bolts. (Light contact with belt).

  • Inspect skirt box internal wear liner clearance is within tolerance. Check for uneven wear or profiling on the under edge of wear liner. (Liners in operational condition with no gaps larger than 10mm).

Feed Chute

  • Check all chute fasteners are intact and secure (Fasteners secure).

  • Visual inspection for Skirt liner for looseness (Liners in operational condition).

  • Inspect chute for corrosion (No corrosion).

  • Inspect chute door, hinges and bolts for signs of corrosion and report damage found (No corrosion or damage).

  • Inspect chute door hinges for loose or missing bolts and replace as required (Fasteners secure).

  • Visual inspection for Feed chute skirt box internal liner condition. Ensure consistent gap between skirts and conveyor along feed chute length. (Liners in operational condition with no gaps larger than 10mm).

Feed Chute Deflector Plate

  • Inspect chute deflector plate liners for excessive wear. (Liners in operational condition).

  • Inspect deflector plate retention mechanism for corrosion, damage or loose fasteners. (No corrosion or damage).

V-Belts & Pulley Drive(If Applicable)

  • Visually inspect condition of pulley's for signs of cracks or defects.

  • Inspect V-belt pulleys and V-belts for wear. (V-Groove Gauge).

  • Remove guarding and inspect belt tension is correct with belt tension gauge.(OEM Tolerence)

  • Remove guarding and inspect V-belts for cracking and wear.

Stacker Tripper(If Applicable)

  • Check all chute fasteners are intact and secure.

  • Visual inspection for liner condition.

  • Inspect chute for corrosion.

  • Inspect discharge chute deflector plate for excessive wear. Report and record missing or worn components for replacement.

  • Visually inspection chute hood for wear and corrosion.

  • Visually inspection chute hood fasteners are intact and secure.

  • Visually inspect discharge chute door, hinges and bolts for signs of corrosion and report damage found.


  • Inspect take up threaded rod for signs of corrosion and report on condition.

  • Inspect for loss of tension and adjust take up to effect correct tension.

Take-Up(GtU Only)

  • Inspect take up slide assembly to ensure the guides are not excessively worn and the gravity take up is hanging square.

Take-Up(LTU & GTU)

  • Inspect take up slide assembly for signs of corrosion and report excessive wear that could inhibit operation.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.