
  • COSHH Risk Assessment No.

  • Name of substance

  • Manufacturer

  • Address

  • Manufacturer Emergency Contact Number

  • Department/s

  • Risk assessment conducted on

  • Risk assessment completed by

  • Supplier SDS held

  • Date of SDS

Risk Assessment

1. How is it used

  • Describe the activity or work process. (Include how long and how often this is carried out and the quantity of substance used)

  • Location of the process being carried out?

2. Hazard Classification

  • Moderate hazard

  • Acutely toxic

  • Corrosive

  • Health hazard

  • Flammable

  • Oxidising

  • Explosive

  • Gas under pressure

  • Harmful to the aquatic environment

3. Hazardous Substances produced

  • Are any hazardous substances produced by any process. (eg fumes from heating substance)

4. Persons at risk of exposure

  • Employees

  • Young persons

  • Trainees

  • Contractors

  • New and expectant mothers and women of a child bearing age

  • Emergency responders

5. Hazard Type

  • Gas

  • Vapour

  • Mist

  • Fumes

  • Dust

  • Liquid

  • Solid

  • Other

  • If Other, state the nature of the hazard type?

6. Route of exposure

  • Inhalation

  • Skin absorption

  • Eyes

  • Ingestion

  • Other

  • If other, state type?

7. What Controls Are Currently In Place

  • Total enclosure of process

  • Partial enclosure of process

  • Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)

  • General workplace ventilation

  • Wet methods (to control dust)

  • Respiratory protection

  • Eye protection

  • Hand protection

  • Protective overalls

  • Apron

  • Other

  • Safe Operating Procedures

  • Good standards of personal hygiene

8. First Aid - See Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

9. Spillage procedures - See local spillage procedures

12. Safety disposal of residual waste and containers

  • Hazardous waste

  • Controlled waste

  • Recycle

  • Reuse

  • Return to supplier

  • Other

11. Handling and storage arrangements

  • Storage

12. Assessment Of Risk

  • Overall assessment of risk with regard to current usage of this substance

13. Considerations for improvement

  • Has the use of an alternative less harmful substance been considered?

  • Are the current controls suitable and sufficient?

  • Does the SDS suggest any controls that are not in place?

  • Is air monitoring considered appropriate to demonstrate controls are affective?

  • Can the process be re-engineered to prevent the risk of exposure?

14. Assessment Review

  • This assessment should be reviewed periodically or if there are any changes in the process.

  • Date of next review

15. Assessment Completed By

  • Assessor Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.