Summary Page
Document Reference (do not change)
Branch Name & Code
Conducted on
Prepared by
Location & External Photos
CPSH representative name
Pre-site visit check
Asset details are recorded on Concept and are up to date?
PPM Planner and tasks are recorded on Concept and up to date?
P&H Compliance tracker includes the branch and PPM tasks that are applicable?
Select a recent Reactive/PPM remedial task from Concept to audit during the site visit. Include details of the task and the Task ID.
Check Site Master List information is accurate with the branch manager
Site Audit Questions
Cleaning and Hygiene
Is there a cleaning schedule for all internal areas of the branch?
Are high-traffic and sensitive areas (e.g. trade counter, showroom, restrooms) cleaned frequently?
Is there a cleaners' cupboard? Comment on tidyness and stock levels?
Does the operative(s) have the correct equipment to carry out their duties?
Are the branch satisfied with the cleaning company and operative?
What would they like to change or how can this be improved?
Are pest control check carried out regularly?
Are employee welfare facilities (kitchen, break-out rooms, bathrooms etc) clean and functional?
Planned Maintenance
Are regular maintenance schedules documented and followed?
Are the maintenance records updated consistently for all equipment?
Are there assets identified that are not on the Asset/PPM schedule on Concept?
Are there any recurring maintenance issues?
If yes, is the root cause known and recorded?
Safety and Compliance
Are fire extinguishers inspected and serviced regularly?
Is electrical wiring inspected to meet safety regulations?
Which type of HVAC system is installed?
- Air Conditioning
- Gas Boiler/ Central Heating
- Air Source Heat Pump
- Electric Heating
- Heat Recovery Unit - ventilation
- N/A
Is the FGas register up to date with the last service records?
Is the GasSafe certification in date and valid?
Are roller shutters doors inspected and serviced regularly?
Is the warehouse racking inspected annually and load notices visible?
Reactive Maintenance
Are there recurring reactive issues with the branch?
Please select from the below list
- Roofing
- Gutters
- Plumbing - internal
- Drainage - external
- Lighting
- Roller Shutter doors
- External grounds
- Other
Are the branch team familiar with the Macro FM Portal for logging requests?
Share the 'Macro - Who we are' flyer
Environmental & Sustainability Compliance
Are waste segregation and recycling processes in place?
Does the branch have internal and external Biffa waste and recycling bins?
Are energy-saving initiatives that could be considered for the branch?
Select all that apply;
- LED Lighting upgrade -Warehouse
- LED Lighting upgrade -Show room/Trade counter
- Air source Heat Pump install
- EV Charging point
- Lighting timers/sensors
- Other
Contractor Management
Are contractors completing Permits and providing RAMS?
Are service contract scopes up to date with this branch location and services required?
Are contractors booking in Planned Maintenance visits ahead of schedule?
Documentation and Reporting
Are all actions from previous Macro site audits completed/closed?
Employee Feedback and Satisfaction
Please share any comments or feedback from the branch team about the Facilities Management service provided by Macro?
Any other comments?