Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Shift

  • Day in rotation

  • Crew

  • Department

  • Which Maint group

  • Which group

  • Which group

  • Which group

  • Which group

  • Which group

  • Which contracting group

  • Equipment Number


Critical control- Operator Training

  • Please select verification category

Air Brake system

  • Is the operator an employee or contractor

  • Does the operator have current training?

  • Photo of 5000-23

  • Training required prior to starting the job again

  • What is the employee's or contractor's experience

  • Has a Pre operational inspection been documented

  • Does the employee know where the brake check ramp is?

  • Can the employee describe what to do in an emergency situation (loss of secondary braking/broken driveline when using/entering ramp.)

  • Answer should resemble the following: Apply brake and stop ASAP. When vehicle slows, or stops, turn vehicle into berm, set park brake and call supervisor for help. Turn hazards on, either stay in cab/drivers seat or chock vehicle and stand on top side above vehicle.

Critical control- Secondary Braking System

  • What is the secondary braking system the vehicle is using and how is it tested?

Critical control- Equipment readiness (operator must demonstrate the following checks)

  • Air-leakage rate: with a fully charged air system turn off the engine, release the parking brake and check the air pressure loss rate. should be less than 2 PSI in one minute for a single vehicle and less than 3 PSI in one minute for a combination. Now apply the foot brake firmly, after initial pressure drop the air pressure should not drop more than 3 PSI in one minute for a single vehicle and not more than 4 PSI for a combination.

  • Equipment must be downed.

  • Low pressure warning signal: Turn the electrical power on and step on and off the brake pedal to reduce air tank pressure the low air pressure warning signal must come on before the pressure drops to less than 60 PSI in the air tank.

  • Equipment must be downed.

  • Check the automatic spring brake: Continue to step on and off the brake pedal to reduce the air tank pressure. The parking brake knob should pop out when the air pressure falls to the manufacturer's specification. (normally 20-40 PSI) This causes the spring brake to come on.

  • Equipment must be downed.

  • Test park brake: Fasten seat belt. allow vehicle to move forward slowly. Apply parking brake. If it does not stop the vehicle it is faulty; get it fixed. Or put the parking brake on and gently pull against it in a low gear to test that the parking brakes will hold. If a combination vehicle, you must test both the tractor and the trailer parking brakes.

  • Equipment must be downed.

  • Check air pressure buildup rate: Start the engine, when the engine is at operating RPM the pressure should build from 85 to 100 PSI within 45 seconds in duel air systems. In single air systems typical requirements are pressure buildup from 50 to 90 PSI within three minutes with engines at an idle speed of 600-900 RPM.

  • Equipment must be downed.

  • Check air compressor governor cut in and out pressures: Run the engine at a running idle. The air governor should cut out the air compressor at the manufacturer's specified pressure. With the engine idling and parking brakes released, step on and off the brake to reduce the air tank pressure. The compressor should cut-in at about the manufactures specified cut-in pressure.

  • Equipment must be downed.

  • Service brake stopping action: Go about five miles per hour. Push brake pedal firmly. Check for side to side "pull".

  • Equipment must be downed.

Cat Articulating truck

  • Select employee verified with

  • Can the operator explain the startup procedures pertaining to the warning lights for the brake system prior to the engine being started?

  • Answer should resemble: accumulator light should be on, should go off when machine is started. Pressure is not present unless machine is operating.

  • What do you do if the brake warning light comes on during operation/applications.

  • Answer should resemble: Pull over as safety as possible and call for a mechanic. Do not attempt to operate

  • What do you do if you have an emergency when on a ramp? (loss of brakes, Blown hydraulic line)

  • Answer should resemble: STOP as soon as possible, even if it means applying the E brake and running into a berm.

  • How do you check/test the service brakes?

  • Answer should resemble: Take the truck to the brake check ramp, fully loaded and stop on the ramp. Brakes should hold a loaded truck.

  • How do you check/test the park brakes?

  • Answer should resemble: Take the truck to the brake check ramp fully loaded and stop on the ramp. Apply the park brake and the fully loaded truck should hold.

  • What is the correct gear to go into the pit?

  • Answer should resemble: the gear that allows for control.

  • Request the pre-op and ask the operator to go through it with you

  • They should have it completed and be able to demonstrate competency

  • Please request and review the last PM documentation that was performed on the Cat articulating truck

  • Verify the accumulator pressure is within specs

  • Verify the park brake pressure is within specs

  • Verify the service brake pressure is within specs

  • What should be done if any of these pressures are not correct

  • Answer should resemble: truck needs repaired prior to releasing back into service.

  • How is the front and rear accumulator pressure checked

  • How is the park brake pressure checked

  • How is the service brake pressure checked

  • Is the seatbelt in good condition and within the acceptable date range?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.