
Dixons Carphone DC - Cleaning Inspection

  • Site Name:

  • Conducted by:

  • Conducted on

  • Location

Security Lodge

  • Have the waste bins been emptied and cleaned?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have the floors been cleaned (vacuumed/swept/mopped/machine)?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have all doors & walls been cleaned where accessible?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Has the office furniture been cleaned/polished?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have the exteriors of light fittings, air-conditioning/heating vents been dusted?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have all windows internal and external been cleaned? (Including frames & blinds)

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Are all touch points being sanitised twice daily?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

Entrance & Corridors

  • Have the floors been cleaned (vacuumed/swept/mopped/machine)?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have all doors & walls been cleaned where accessible?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have the exteriors of light fittings, air-conditioning/heating vents been dusted?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have all windows internal and external been cleaned? (Including frames & blinds)

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

Office Accomodation

  • Have the waste bins been emptied and cleaned?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have the floors been cleaned (vacuumed/swept/mopped/machine)?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have all doors & walls been cleaned where accessible?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Has the office furniture been cleaned/polished?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have the exteriors of light fittings, air-conditioning/heating vents been dusted?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have all windows internal and external been cleaned? (Including frames & blinds)

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

Staff Canteen & Rest Room

  • Have the waste bins been emptied and cleaned?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have the floors been cleaned (vacuumed/swept/mopped/machine)?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have all doors & walls been cleaned where accessible?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have all tables & chairs been cleaned (including underside)?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have all microwave ovens been cleaned?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have all staff refrigerators been cleaned?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have the exteriors of light fittings, air-conditioning/heating vents been dusted?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have all windows internal and external been cleaned? (Including frames & blinds)

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

Car Park

  • Have all shrubbery areas been litter picked?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have the Lorry Park/Car Park areas been litter picked?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Have the bins been emptied and rubbish removed from smoking area?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date


  • Are the toilet floors being cleaned to a good standard?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Are the toilet surfaces being cleaned?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Are the mirrors being cleaned?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Are the toilets/urinals being cleaned?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Are the wash basins being cleaned?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

Cleaning Cupboards

  • Are the cleaning cupboards being kept to a good standard throughout the month?<br>*Picture(s) Required*

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Please provide a photo of the cleaning cupboard.

  • Is there at least a 14-day supply of chemicals on site?

  • Are the relevant COSHH Sheets available?<br>*Picture(s) Required*

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Resolution date

  • Is the PAT Testing Date Valid?

  • Actions being taken to address failed area

  • Are there any visible defects on any equipment?

  • Please provide details:

Finalise Audit

  • Have there been any accidents on site since the last audit?

  • Please provide brief details of the accident(s) in the comments section.

  • Client name and position

  • Client signature

  • Signature

  • Photograph of signature

  • GSA Signature

  • Client comments on the performance across the full month.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.