Title Page
Truck Number
Driver Name
Crew Leader Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Answer the items below by providing a score from 1 to 5.
2. Add photos and notes by clicking on the paperclip icon.
3. To add a Corrective Action, click on the paperclip icon then "Add Action", provide a description, assign to a member, set priority and due date.
4. Complete audit by providing digital signature.
5. Share your report by exporting as PDF, Word, Excel or Web Link.
Is there trash visible? (1-cannot even get in due to trash----5 no trash present)
Is there trash under the seats? (1-trash is crammed under the seat----5 no trash)
Is the trash can empty? (1-overflowing---5 no trash, can is wiped out)
If there are tools, are they rolling around or stored? (1 tools everywhere----5 tools stored securely)
Is the inspection form filled out? (yes=5, no=0)
Are the door cubbies emptied of trash? (1 trash is flowing into the cab----5 no trash present)
Is there food on the floor or dash (sunflower seeds, chicken bones, pizza crusts, etc.) (1 floor or dash is coated in food----5 dash and floor have been swept or wiped down)
Is the floor/dash swept or wiped down (yes=5 no=0)
Are the tools put away or rolling around the back? (1 tools everywhere----5 tools stored securely)
Is the box organized? (lumber stacked well, stakes in their bin, etc.) (1-extra lumber everywhere----5 lumber is secured in its proper place)
Is there excessive dirt/mud? (1-floor coated in thick mud-----5-floor has been swept out)
Is there trash on shelves/floor etc. (1-trash is flowing out----5 no trash present)
Is the outside dirty (is our logo/name presented well) (1-mud is caked all over the box----5 logo and name clearly visible and clean)
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