Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
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Is the site file available on site?
Is the method statement and risk assessment available and signed by employes , sub-contractors?
Is there a current induction register on site and up to date?
Have visitors to the site entering on behalf of CW roofing been inducted on to the site and records completed accordingly. Records should be present in site file.
Are the training file for each employees present and available on site?
Is there an up to date Inspection register for hired in plant on site?
Is there an up to date copy of LOLER examination records for all MEWPS held on site?
Is there a fixed scaffold register held on site if being used and under the control of CW roofing?
Are weekly Inspection scaffold tags up to date and in place?
Is there Mobile Scaffold on site in use by CW employees ?
Are weekly inspection tags up to date?
Is there evidence of PAT testing for Portable Appliances?
Are all new electrical equipment purchased after last round of PAT testing recorded as when purchased and first used?
Is there an up to date HAV register on site for all equipment and work process identified as presenting a health risk to users?
Are CW employees and sub- contractors completing daily/ weekly HAV exposure records when carrying out identified work process?
Is there a copy of hand over certificates for safety netting, handrails or scaffolding available in the main file?
Is there a current Emergency Evacuation Plan in place ?
Is there a First Aiders on site?
Is there a copy of the company Health and Safety Policy statement of intent in the main file signed and dated?
Are insurance certificates Employee/Public liability available?
Is the copy of the companies waste transfer certificate available in the main file?
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Site Welfare facilities
Is there a proper canteen / rest area?
Is there adequate seating arrangements provided?
Are facilities provided for Hot beverages preparing hot food and storing food (Boiler, Microwave, Fridge)
Is there running hot and cold water?
Is there an adequate drying / changing room?
Is the canteen clean and tidy?
Sanitary Facilities
Is there Male and Female (lockable) facilities provided?
Is there adequate running hot and cold water?
Is there adequate facilities for drying your hands (paper towels, hot air blower?
Are the toilet areas clean and adequately equipped?
Are the works adequately separated from other work activities,warning notices displayed?
Are storage areas correctly protected and signed in accordance with the materials and equipment being stored?
Is there a current Fire Evacuation plan on display (muster point)
Are works vehicles displaying the correct signage for materials and equipment being carried?
Are fire escapes and walkways/gangways adequately signed ,identified and free from obstructions
Is the signage on site suitable, clear and not in conflict with any additional signage placed by the companies employees ?
Work areas
Are works areas congested?
Are work activities being managed safely?
Are trailing leads being managed(trip hazards) ?
Is the standard of housekeeping acceptable?
Is there adequate storage facilities for materials?
Is there a suitable and sufficient Risk Assessment and Method Statement for the job?
Are Permits issued and recorded?
Are there any hazardous substances being used?
Is the MSDS sheet available and held on site?
Is there any special PPE requirements?
Are hazardous substances properly stored?
Manual Handling
Have manual handling tasks been properly assessed?
Personnel Protective Equipment PPE
Are all site personnel compliant with the site required PPE?
Is the PPE being worn adequate and suitable for the purpose?
Accidents and Near Miss stats;
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Site Manager
Health and Safety Inspector