Title Page

  • Site conducte

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Spot Inspection - Description of works

  • Please write a short description of works being undertaken.

Spot Inspection - Training and Documentation

  • Please select the names of the persons being inspected (minimum 3)

  • If ''Other'' please state the names of persons being inspected.

  • Have all of these people been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer(s).

  • Have all persons mentioned above signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Are all persons mentioned above trained and competent with evidence of these competencies kept on file?

  • Has Allan Gilfoyle been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Anthony Griffin been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Paul Doran been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Antony Hawksey been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Angus Cameron been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Michael Coyne been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Ben Crossland been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Sean Gelling been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Brian Carrol been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Aaron Murphy been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Reece Gilfoyle been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Keane McConville been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Peter Ohanlon been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Jeff Clarke been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Kevin Morris been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Dominic Halliwell been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

  • Has Justin Whittington been inducted to site?

  • Please state the name of their employer.

  • Have they signed onto the most recent version of RAMS relevant to the works that they are undertaking?

  • Is this person trained and competent with evidence of competencies kept on file?

Spot Inspection - Housekeeping & Welfare

  • Has the work area including access / egress route been kept clear of equipment, materials & waste which could pose a risk of slips or trips?

  • Has waste been segregated appropriately ensuring that bins are not overflowing?

  • Have suitable and sufficient steps been taken to mitigate the risk of trailing cables in the work area?

  • Can all persons get to & from their place of work & welfare facilties safely?

  • Is there suitable and sufficient welfare facilities which are clean & tidy with access to hot & cold water?

Spot inspection - Barriers & Signage

  • Has the area of work been suitably and sufficiently cordoned off to prevent unauthorised access?

  • Has suitable and sufficient signage been displayed to warn others of associated hazards, requirements etc.?

Spot Inspection - Lighting

  • Has the work area including access egress route been sufficiently lit?

Spot Inspection - Equipment

  • Have tools & equipment been check by the user prior to use?

  • Where applicable, is there evidence of a current PAT test displayed (3 monthly)?

  • Are the right tools / equipment being used for the job?

  • Do the tools / equipment in use appear to be in good condition with no apparent defects and all guarding in place as per manufacturers design?

  • Is the equipment being used inline with training provided & safe systems of work?

  • Does the work being undertaken require works at height?

  • Which of the following is required to complete this works at height safely?

  • Has the user carried out a pre-use inspection?

  • Is there evidence of a current inspection record displayed?

  • Does the equipment appear to be in good condition with no apparent defects?

  • Is the access equipment used suitable for the works being undertaken?

  • Is the equipment being used inline with training provided & safe systems of work?

  • Has the user carried out a pre-use inspection of the MEWP?

  • Is evidence available of a current LOLER report of thorough examination (6 monthly)?

  • Does the equipment appear to be in good condition with no apparent defects?

  • Is the MEWP in use suitable for the works being undertaken?

  • Is the MEWP being used inline with training provided & safe systems of work?

  • Is the user wearing an appropraite harness & lanyard?

  • Was the harness & lanyard inspected prior to use with no damage identified?

  • Has the user clipped on?

  • Does the harness & lanyard hold a current LOLER report of thorough examination (6 monthly)?

  • Please make a record of the harness & lanyards serial no.

Spot Inspection - PPE / RPE

  • Is all mandatory & task specific PPE being worn?

  • Does the PPE worn appear to be in good condition and in date?

  • Is RPE required for the works which is being undertaken?

  • Is the correct RPE being worn?

  • Is the RPE worn a half face mask?

  • Is the user clean shaven?

  • Has the user been face fit tested for the mask worn within the last 2 years?

  • Has the user been face fit tested for the mask worn within the last 2 years?

Spot Inspection - CoSHH

  • Are CoSHH assessments available for all relevant substances?

  • Have appropraite means of storage been made available for CoSHH substances & are they being used?

Spot Inspection - Permits to Work

  • Have all relevant permits to work live and have all appropriate persons signed onto them?


  • I hereby sign to confirm that all statements made above were correct at the time of completion.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.