General Information
Project Name
Project Superintendent
Conducted on
Prepared by
Use this section to record a general summary of activities and to comment on the progress of the project as a whole
How is the project progressing in terms of schedule? If behind schedule please describe the delay
Were there any existing conditions, or potential risks, discovered over the course of the day?
Briefly describe the nature of the condition/risk
Was the existing condition communicated to the Architect/Engineer/Owner?
Why not?
General Summary of the day's activities:
This section is for logging tasks for company personnel
Enter the information of each employee on site here
Employee Name
How many hours was this employee on site?
- 0.5 Hours
- 1.5 Hours
- 2.0 Hours
- 2.5 Hours
- 3.0 Hours
- 3.5 Hours
- 4.0 Hours
- 4.5 Hours
- 5.0 Hours
- 5.5 Hours
- 6.0 Hours
- 6.5 Hours
- 7.0 Hours
- 7.5 Hours
- 8.0 Hours
Please indicate which Category this employee worked in over the course of the day (check all that apply)
- General Conditions
- Demolition
- Concrete
- Masonry
- Metals
- Carpentry
- Thermal/Moisture
- Openings
- Finishes
- Specialties
- Equipment
- Furnishings
- Special Construction
- Fire Suppression
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Safety & Security
- Communications
- Earthwork
- Ext. Improvements
- Utilities
Describe this employees primary tasks for the day
This section is to log subcontractor attendance and progress
Subcontractors on site
Subcontractor Name
How many employees did this subcontractor have on site?
Arrival time
Departure time
Category? Check all that apply
- General Conditions
- Demolition
- Concrete
- Masonry
- Metals
- Carpentry
- Thermal/Moisture
- Openings
- Finishes
- Specialties
- Equipment
- Furnishings
- Special Construction
- Fire Suppression
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Safety & Security
- Communications
- Earthwork
- Ext. Improvements
- Utilities
Briefly describe what work the subcontractor worked on
0-15% just started
About one quarter completed
About half completed
About three quarters complete
Almost complete
100% Complete!
Materials & Equipment
This section is for logging the delivery of materials and equipment
Did any material arrive on site today?
Briefly describe the material
Delivery method
Photograph of receipt or packing slip
Were the materials received in good condition?
Briefly describe damage or discrepancy
Photograph of damage (if possible)
Did any equipment arrive or leave today?
What was it?
Was this equipment arriving at the job site or leaving the job site?
Where did it arrive from?
Where is it headed?
Is this piece of equipment in good working order?
Briefly describe damage
Photograph of damage (if possible)
This section is to note any non-employee, non-subcontractor visitors to the site during the day
Were there any visitors to the site today?
Visitor type
Was the visitor an inspector?
What was being inspected?
What was the result?
What was the nature of the visit?
Use this section as a summary of any safety policy infractions, observed hazards, or accidents/injuries
NOTE: This summary is not a replacement for full safety audits or incident reports.
We're there any work-related accidents today?
Briefly describe the accident
Who was involved?
We're there any injuries as a result?
Was medical attention (beyond basic First-Aid) required?
Were there any observed hazards today?
Photograph hazard if possible
Briefly describe the hazard
What actions were taken to mitigate the risk?
Were there any safety infractions today?
Briefly describe the infraction
Who was involved?
What disciplinary actions were taken?
I hereby certify that this report represents an accurate and complete portrayal of the days activities and events.