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Emergency contact numbers posted?
First-aid supplies available?
Required signage posted?
Safe access to work areas?
Personal Protective Equipment
Hard hats worn by employees?
Eye and face protection used where required?
Hearing protection used where required?
Respiratory protection used where required?
Gloves used when required?
Other required PPE used when required?
Employees dressed properly for the task at hand?
PPE in good condition?
PPE appropriate for the work?
Walkways clear of material and debris?
Trash and debris cleaned up?
Extension cords and hoses kept out of walkways?
Liquid spills cleaned up to avoid slip and fall hazards?
Material storage areas kept orderly and clean?
Gangboxes neat and orderly?
Trash receptacles available where required?
Fire protection
Fire protection equipment available?
Fire watch used where required?
Fire extinguishers charged properly?
Flammable materials stored properly?
Combustible trash cleaned up properly?
Proper fuel containers used?
Material handling and storage
Materials stored neatly in stacks or piles?
Loose materials palletized or containerized?
Clear walkways maintained around storage areas?
Storage areas kept free of trash and debris?
Crane and rigging
Slings and chokers in good condition?
Properly trained riggers?
Proper signals in use?
Tag lines used on all lifts?
Hooks equipped with safety latches?
Proper lifting techniques in place?
Hand and power tools
Guards in place where required?
Power tools grounded properly?
Power tools cords in good condition?
Impact tools free of mushroomed heads?
Broken or defective tools taken out of service when required?
Hand tools in proper working condition?
Proper tools being used for the task?
Welding and cutting
Compressed gas cylinders stored and secured properly?
Oxygen cylinders stored separately from fuel gas cylinders?
Cylinders equipped with caps when not in use?
Welding leads in good condition?
Welding blankets used where required?
Fire watches in place where required?
Hot work permits in place where required?
Fire extinguisher in the area of all hot work?
GFCI's in use?
Extension cords free of damage and repairs?
LOTO in place where required?
Electrical equipment grounded properly?
Ladders in good condition?
Ladders installed properly?
Ladders used properly?
Proper ladders being used for the task?
Extension ladders set up with the proper 4:1 slope?
Ladders secured where required?
Boom lifts and man lifts
Only trained employees allowed to operate equipment?
Outriggers used where required?
Proper fall protection used while operating equipment?
Equipment operated safely?
Fall protection
Employees protected from falls?
Handrails installed properly?
Toe boards installed properly?
Fall protection anchored properly?
Fall protection equipment inspected and in good condition?
Holes covered, secured and labeled properly?
Excavation and trenching
Excavations and trenches over 5 feet protected?
Excavations and trenches over 4 feet equipped with proper access and egress?
Employees working only in the protected, shored area?
Spoil piles at safe distance from edge?
Access and egress within 50 feet of employees?
Excavations and trenches inspected each shift before employees enter?
Excavation and trench shored properly for type of soil?
Workers contacted during inspection
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