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Conducted on
Prepared by
Reading Curriculum
What is today's reading skill(s) to be taught?
Familiar Reading (2-3 minutes)
Student spends this time reading books that he/she is already familiar with in order to build fluency.
Familiar Reading Text:
Reading Behavior
Moved correctly across print?
Locates known words?
Monitors own reading?
Reads fluently?
Searches for meaning cues? (takes his/her cue to make sense of the text)
Searches for structure cues? (syntax)
Searches for visual cues? (look of the letters/words using visual information)
Repeats to confirm?
Uses chunks in word analysis?
Attempts and solves new words?
Running Record
Running record is completed on the new book from the previous day to analyze reading strategies the student is using/neglecting.
Was a running record done today?
Running Words
Accuracy Rate
Self-Correction Rate
Is the student reading fluently at grade level? (61-117)
Word Work/Language Curriculum
What is today's Word Work/Language skill(s)?
Letter/Word Work (3-7 minutes)
Writing Curriculum
What is today's Writing skill(s)?
Writing (3-5 minutes)
Generates story/sentences?
Applies focus skill?
Cut-Up Sentences (2 Minutes)
student puts dictated sentence back together.
Is the student applying skills about concepts about print, 1:1 matching, directionality, locating chunks, and phrasing?
New Book (2-3 minutes)
Teacher introduces book, vocabulary, provides strategy support, and IDR tasks.
New Book Title:
Observations and Instruction