
  • Job name/ Nombre de trabajo

  • Address/ location
  • Foreman/prepared by

  • Conducted on

  • How many workers/ Quantos personas por trabajar

Morning meeting/Junta por la manana

  • Morning stretches performed./Estiramiento hechos por la manana

  • Work day goals discussed/Discutimos el plan de trabajo del dia

  • Jobsite Hazards discussed/Hablar de los peligros de trabajo

  • Fall protection needed

  • What equipment

  • All equipment inspected before using

  • Incidents, accidents or near misses/ accidentes o incidentes

  • Explain who was involved what happened/Explicar quien y que paso

  • All work inspected and approved by Foreman?/ Todos trabajar inspeccionado y aprobado por la capataz?

  • Workday goals completed? /Metas de trabojo cumplidas

  • Why not?/ Por que no?

WIPP Water Infiltration Protection Program/Programa de protección contra la infiltración de agua

  • Are periodic weather checks being completed?Estar atento a la lluvia

  • Water mitigation materials. Spill kits, Bull, Plastic, membrane, duct tape, rags or absorbent present. Plans discussed in case of rains or water line break. Such as Spreading plastic, applying bull. Shutting water off. Talking with building maintenance. Sealing penetrations. Discutimos plan en caso lluvia o infiltracion de agua en la edificio

  • All seams' flashings and tie-ins inspect and accepted as watertight by foreman?/ Todos costuras y soldaduras inspeccionado y aceptado por la capataz?

  • Why? Por Que?

  • Have all material and equipment been adequately covered and secured? Todos equipo y material seguro y tapado?

  • Workday goals completed? Metas de trabajo cumplidas?

  • Log Completed by? Completado por?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.