Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Overall Score
R A G Rating
Site presentation and security
Are there suitable security arrangements to prevent unauthorised entry into the work area?
Traffic management, demarcation and pedestrian zones
Are pedestrian and vehicle travel routes clearly identified and suitable for purpose?
Are suitable barriers fitted to segregate pedestrian and traffic movements?
Signage and information
Is suitable H & S signage posted at the construction area?
Induction and Training
Have all Decorall operatives on site been inducted by the Principal Contractor?
Do all operatives on site have appropriate training for the tasks that they are required to complete?
Welfare facilities
Are there a suitable number of toilets and urinals on site, are the facilities clean and tidy and are they adequately stocked with consume able items (toilet paper etc.)
Is there hot water on site for hand washing, a suitable number of sinks, and an adequate supply of consumable items (I.e. soap, hand towels etc.)
Are the canteen facilities suitable for the number of persons on site, i.e. suitable numbers of chairs with backs, tables, sink with warm running water for washing dishes, facilities to make tea etc, facilities to prepare and heat food, and are the facilities in good order and being kept clean and tidy
Is there an adequate supply of drinking water on site?
Is there a facility for storing and drying clothes, and is it being kept clean and tidy?
Are suitable bins provided and is food and canteen waste being regularly and properly disposed of?
First aid
Are there suitable numbers of first aid trained personnel on site?
Is there a first aid box on site and is it adequately stocked and maintained?
Fire precautions
Are emergency fire escape routes clearly marked and free from obstruction?
Are there suitable numbers of fire fighting equipment on site, and is the equipment in good condition & recently serviced?
Are there any combustible materials being used or stored on site, and are suitable control measures in place?
Are fire risks from waste materials being controlled e.g. Unnecessary build up of combustible materials - wood, cardboard etc?
Are the risks from smoking being controlled? E.g. Designated smoking area set up, clearly signed, suitable method for extinguishing cigarettes provided ( smoking bin, sand bucket etc.?. Is the area clean and tidy?
Safe places of work
Have suitable precautions been taken to prevent slip, trip and fall hazards?
Have suitable precautions been taken to prevent over head hazards?
Are all edge protection barriers in place and suitable for purpose?
Is the lighting level suitable on the access / egress route and in the work area?
Have suitable precautions been taken to prevent environmental hazards, I.e. dust, heat, weather etc?
Has a current asbestos survey been carried out for the project and is a copy of the asbestos survey report in the site file?
Have any remaining asbestos materials in the work area which have not to be disturbed as part of an asbestos management plan been clearly identified and warning signage fitted?
COSHH, Hazardous Substances and Fuels
Have all hazardous materials on site been identified and recorded?
Are suitable assessments in place to control the use and storage of hazardous materials
Are materials being used and stored to comply with the assessment?
Are suitable waste storage and transport arrangements in place?
Occupational Health and Hygiene
Have suitable controls been put in place for noise hazards on site?
Have suitable controls been put in place for vibration hazards on site?
Have suitable controls been put in for dermatitis / skin hazards on site?
Have suitable controls been put in place for respiratory hazards on site?
Have suitable controls been put in place for any other occupational health hazard on site I.e. leptospirosis (weil's disease), needles, etc?
Manual Handling
Have manual handling needs on site been identified and are manual handling assessments in place?
Are manual handling activities on site being carried out in compliance with the assessment control measures?
Are manual handling aids I.e. forklift, pallet lifter, trolley etc. available on site if required?<br><br><br>
Electricity and Isolation
Is all temporary power and lighting on site 110 volt equipment?
PUWER, Plant and Equipment
Is the correct plant and equipment being used for the task?
Is the plant or equipment fit for purpose, no visible defects, have a current test/inspection certificate, and have the manufacturers checks been carried out and records of the checks completed?
Does the plant or equipment operator hold the relevant training qualifications for its use?
Is there an assessment in place for the use of the plant or equipment and is it being used to comply with the assessment?
Work at height - general
Have all work at height activities been identified and suitable risk assessments been produced to control the risk?
Does the assessment identify the most suitable work at height equipment for the task using the hierarchy of control I.e. collective measures e.g. Guard rails in preference to personal measures e.g. Safety harness, and does the assessment consider working conditions?
Does the work force hold the relevant work at height training for the equipment to be used I.e. PASMA, IPAF etc.
Work at Height - System Scaffold
Is there an assessment in place for works using a system scaffold, and have all relevant persons been inducted in the content?
Has the system scaffold been designed and erected by a competent contractor, have site hazards been considered I.e. excavations, overhead cables etc., and has a hand over certificate been provided and a scaffold tag fitted?
Are the weekly inspections of the scaffold being carried out, written records of the inspection provided and the scaff tag updated?
Is the scaffold only being altered or amended by competent and authorised persons from the scaffolding contractor?
Are there any visible defects on the scaffold?
Work at Height - MEWP
Is there an assessment in place for the use of a MEWP and have the relevant persons been inducted in the content?
Does the assessment consider the site conditions I.e. ground conditions, floor loading, route of travel, overhead hazards, other work operations etc.
Is the MEWP suitable for purpose, have a current test/inspection certificate and have no visible defects?<br><br><br><br><br>
Does the MEWP operator have the correct category of training certificate for the MEWP being used?
Have the manufacturers recommended safety checks been carried out by the operator and have these checks been recorded?
Are safety harnesses fitted with the appropriate lanyard being used (where required) by the persons in the MEWP?
Work at Height - Mobile Tower Scaffold
Is there an assessment in place for the use of mobile tower scaffold and have the relevant persons been inducted in the content?
Does the assessment consider site conditions e.g. Holes in floor, overhead hazards etc.
Has the scaffold been erected to comply with the manufacturer,s recommendations, and altered or dismantled by a suitably trained person (PASMA).
Is the scaffold being used with all brakes locked and outriggers fitted where required?
Are there any visible defects on the scaffold?
Has the scaffold been inspected by a trained and competent person (before first use, after any alteration, or at no more than 7 day intervals) and have records of these inspections been completed?
Work at Height - Podiums
Is there an assessment in place for the use of a podium and have the relevant persons been inducted in the content?
Does the assessment consider site conditions e.g. Holes in floors, overhead hazards etc.
Is the podium being used in accordance with the manufacturers guidance?
Are there any visible defects on the podium?
Work at Height - Ladders and Step Ladders
Is there an assessment in place for the use of ladders/stepladders and have the relevant persons been inducted in the content?
Are ladders the most suitable form of work at height platform for the task?
Are the ladders/stepladders being used in compliance with the assessment e.g. Tied, footed, on a flat level surface, facing the correct direction, top rungs not used as a working platform etc?
Has the ladder checklist document been completed and a copy in the site records.
Are there any visible defects on the ladders/stepladders.
Are all operatives on site wearing mandatory PPE e.g. Safety helmet, safety footwear and hi-visibility jacket/vest?
Are all operatives on site wearing necessary task specific PPE e.g. Eye protection, hearing protection, respiratory protection, gloves, safety harness etc.
Is the site specific PPE relevant to the assessment for the task E.g. Correct type of eye protection (goggles or glasses, impact rated or not etc)?
Is the PPE in good condition and being worn correctly?
Young Persons
Is there a young persons risk assessment in place and has the young person been inducted in the content and signed the assessment to signify understanding?
Are there suitable monitoring and supervision arrangements in place for the young person's activities.?
Method Statement and Risk Assessment
Are suitable site specific method statements and risk assessments in place for Decorall activities?
Have all operatives been inducted in the content of the method statements and risk assessments?
Are there suitable arrangements in place for the monitoring and review of method statements and risk assessments?
Have works been planned to reduce environmental impact e.g. Noise, dust light pollution etc?
Are waste removal procedures satisfactory?