Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Auditors Name:
Contractor Name and area Audited:
1. Induction
Has the contractor attended a safety induction in the last 6 months
2. Competences
Does he know the rules he need to comply with e.g.: permit, working at heights, energy isolation, etc
3. Supervision/ control
Does the contractor know who his Company Contact (CC) is
4. Risk Assessment /
Method Statement
Is there a risk assessment or method statement available for the activities being undertaken?
5. Risk Assessment /
Can the contractor explain why and what the main hazards are and their controls?
5. Tools & Equipment
Does tools and equipment carries Unilever Inspection tags?
6. Awareness
Does he know what to do if he does get injured?
7. PPE
Is appropriate PPE specified in any method statement?
8. PPE
Is the PPE worn, and in good condition?
9.Housekeeping & demarcation
Is the work area as clean as could be expected? Is it free of spillage, trailing cables and other trip/slip hazards?
10. Emergencies
Can the contractor explain what to do in an emergency?
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