
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Waste Management

  • Applicable site license in place?

  • Copies of relevant permit/license for the site available, displayed and staff familiar with permit conditions ? <br>

  • Is the facility in compliance with regulations and permits?<br>

  • Tires stored Approved Site?<br>

  • Old chemical Batteries to approved site?<br>

  • Site personnel awareness of SP1009 requirement ?<br>

  • There is a focal person with the accountability for waste Managament?<br>

  • There are inspection records stating details of site walk rounds with identification of the waste streams?<br>

  • What types of waste are accepted at the site for treatment and disposal and what methods are used?<br>

  • Are the treatment and disposal methods appropriate for the types of waste?<br>

  • Does the disposal method meet the expected standard?<br>

  • Is there a waste oil disposal/separation system?<br>

  • Oil waste stored in approved site?<br>

  • Used Oil drums are kept on a concrete base?<br>

  • Flammable wastes stored correctly and away from combustibles?<br>

  • Hazard waste storage defined, adequate and bunded?<br>

  • All signs meet the international code?<br>

  • Is security at the site adequate to prevent unauthorised access?<br>

  • Waste consignment notes are available?<br>

  • Waste consignment notes are correctly used?<br>

  • Have steps been taken to minimise the production of all wastes on site?<br>

  • Are office and mess wastes stored in enclosed bins?<br>

  • Are records kept of the amount of waste produced on the site using a suitable waste codes?<br>

  • Have facilities been provided for recycling/recovery and/or reusing waste material?<br>

  • Are all wastes segregated and recycled where possible? (office, canteen, & laboratory waste, scrap metal, tyres, batteries, wood, waste oils and oil contaminated materials) <br>

  • Is waste segregated on site (colour Coded)?<br>

  • Skips are all in good condition and colour coded?<br>

  • Fire extinguisher equipment is available?<br>

  • Segregation is monitored on site as well as the final waste site?<br>

  • All containers are marked correctly?<br>

  • The site complies with SP1009?<br>


  • There is a permit for the installation of an STP?<br>

  • STP monthly report available?<br>

  • Does the STP discharge meets regulatory limits? <br>

  • Does the site use recycled water within the plant and spray systems?<br>

  • The untreated water system is free from leaks?<br>

  • Have hazardous chemicals used in water treatment been identified?<br>

RO Plant

  • Are chemicals stored in approved areas or containers and SHOC cards are available?<br>

  • There is a permit for the installation of an ROP?<br>

  • RO Plant monthly report available?<br>

  • Have hazardous chemicals used in water treatment been identified?<br>

  • RO treated water meets Omani drinking water standards ?<br>

  • Is labeling of chemcial containers in accordance with regulatory requirements?<br>


  • Are calibration of equipment carried out according to a specific standard and devices are labeled ?<br>

  • Laboratory facilities are free of all waste/rubbish; fume hoods in place, if required a/c in place; decanted chemicals clearly labeled/marked as to content.<br>

  • Hazards and PPE requirements in accordance with Chemical Hygiene Plan and/or HazCom Program.<br>

  • Compressed gas storage - fireproof storage & adequate ventilation if stored indoors; oxygen stored separately or firewall between other gases; bottles secured in upright position/caps on. <br>

  • Flammable/chemical storage – NFPA 70 Fire Diamond placards/labels posted; well ventilated/lighted. <br>

  • No compressed gases stored with chemicals; “No Smoking" sign within 10 m conspicuously posted. <br>

  • Are chemicals stored in appropriate storage areas and SHOC cards are available?<br>

  • Firefighting equipment – indicated by signage; protected from elements; current inspections?<br>

Contractors' WorkSite

  • Applicable site license/permits in place? <br>

  • Material storage - pipes/tubing, lumber, sheet metal, etc. racked or stacked neatly and securely; waste metal collected in bin/clearly marked.<br>

  • Work activities - hazardous work (painting/grit blasting) separated from other yard work and does not present hazards to others.<br>

  • Waste are segregated and kept in skips? <br>

  • Waste Skips are all in good condition and colour coded?<br>

  • Waste consignment notes are available and correctly used?<br>

  • Oily waste are collected and stored in appropriate containers on a concrete base ?<br>

  • An Environmental Aspect/Impact register exists?<br>

  • Cleaning and disposal of wash out material is in a bunded area e.g. concrete from the trucks?<br>

Production Facilities

  • Copies of relevant permit/license for the site available?

  • Regulator site inspection reports available?

  • Do the operators recognise environmental aspects of the business?

  • Is there a permit for the discharge of wastewater into the environment?

  • Is there a permit for water disposal wells).

  • Provision of secondary containment and/or impervious barriers to prevent migration of materials and spills?

  • The site has oil traps as appropriate for oil run off?

  • Any apparent spills and stains?

  • Level of housekeeping?

  • Have hazardous production chemicals been identified?

  • Are chemicals stored in approved areas or containers & SHOC cards are available?

  • Is labeling of chemcial containers in accordance with regulatory requirements?

Oil Spill Response

  • Spill response plan available?

  • Spill records available?

  • Provision of Spill kits available on site?

  • Spill equipment maintenance checklist available?<br>

  • Is there a process for spillage disposal?

  • Any records available for spillages cleanup? Is there a time frame?

  • The disturbance to vegetation, wadis/natural water sites is limited and restricted to the landtake or borrow approved areas?

  • Are all employees aware of the procedures to deal with accidental spillages?<br>

  • Spill response training records?

Site Environmental Management System

  • Is an environmental policy available, and do employees understand its aims?

  • Are employees aware of their site licences and related conditions and procedures?

  • Is there a site procedure for effective management and monitoring of environmental aspects?

  • Are employees aware of the specific environmental impacts from their site and their responsibilities?

  • Environmental monitoring programme?

  • Groundwater monitoring programme results?

  • Does the site have effective management and monitoring controls?

  • Have steps been taken to mitigate the risk of environmental incidents?

  • Performance track record

  • Staff training plan and records available?

  • Training and awareness of staff.

  • Evidence of effective contractors and sub-contractor audits.

  • Records of complaints and fines from community and authorities respectively.

  • Records of breaches/fines.

  • Does the site have an up-to-date emergency procedure and are employees aware of what to do in the event of an environmental emergency?

  • Would employees know who to contact in the event of an incident and has a drill been undertaken annually?

  • Audit reports available?

  • Is there a permit for all borrow pits?

  • Inspection reports available ?

Hazrdous Chemicals Management

  • Storage containers are regularly checked for leaks ?

  • Are all fuel, oil and chemical storage tanks correctly labelled in order to assist emergency services should they visit the site?

  • Fuel and chemical storage areas are bunded? Are all the bunds impermeably lined and structurally sound?

  • To control spillages during filling is all the pipe-work contained within the bunds?

  • To control spillages during delivery, are the pumps contained within the bunds?

  • If fitted, is the drain valve secure?

  • Is the area adjacent to the bund free from spillages or leakages?

  • Are all bulk storage tanks contained within bunds able to contain 110% of their volume?

  • All SHOC cards and MSDS are available?

  • Are drums stored in a dry, secure and hard surfaced area?

  • Are drums located on drip trays or spillage containment areas?

  • Hazardous materials are stored in the right containers?

  • Are all storage tanks/drums stored in compliance with local regulations?

  • Is there a permit for transport & handling of radioactive sources and/or chemicals ?

  • Are procedures and materials in place to deal with accidental spillages?

  • Are storage areas inspected for signs of contamination?

  • If fuel storage areas are bunded and open to rainfall, are all contaminated waters removed for oil recovery or suitable disposal?

  • Are underground storage tanks tested to ensure no leakage is occurring?

Air Emissions Management

  • Is there a flaring policy?

  • Compliance to flaring policy and management of deviation?

  • Evidence of emission controls for engines, turbines, etc?

  • Calibration of metering instruments (gas to flare, etc).

  • Evidence of monitoring and tracking emissions against maximum permissable limits.

Water Management

  • Does the site separate rain/storm water from process waste waters?

  • Are adequate rain/storm water drainage systems and process waste water systems in place to prevent uncontrolled discharges to the environment?

  • Do rain/storm water drainage systems and process waste water systems have oil separators and are they checked?

  • Does the site accurately know how much water is used?

  • Does the site know how much water is discharged from the site?

  • Is the site adequately licensed to use or discharge water?

  • Regardless of volume or frequency, does the site discharge to ground or surface water?

  • Do all discharges to shallow or deep aquifers have the necessary regulatory permits?

  • Is the site conforming to all the conditions within water permits?

  • Is any monitoring undertaken on discharges to check compliance?

  • If the site is situated in a water protection area, have additional measures been taken to protect water resources?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.