
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

1.0 - Previous inspection

  • 1.1 - Has the last inspection been reviewed?

  • Last inspection been completed?


  • Is the OSHA form 300A posted from February 1st to April 30th each year?

  • Is there a hard copy of the OSHA 300A forms filed at MIA for the last 5 years?

  • Is the OSHA workplace poster posted at the facility?

2.0 - Fire Prevention

  • 2.1 - Evacuation plan displayed and understood by all employees?

  • 2.3 - Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire?

  • 2.5 - Extinguishers/ Fire Hoses clear of obstructions?

  • Extinguishers checked monthly with tags signed?

  • 2.8 - Adequate direction signs for fire exits w/ proper lighting?

  • 2.9 - Exit doors easily opened from inside?

  • 2.11 - Fire alarm system functioning correctly?

  • Add media

3.0 - General Lighting

  • 3.4 - Emergency exit lighting operable?

  • Lighting appropriate in all area's?

  • Add media

4.0 - Warehouse Safety

  • 4.1 - Floor surfaces even and uncluttered?

  • 4.2 - Entry and walkways kept clear?

  • 4.5 - Stairs and risers kept clear?

  • 4.6 - Are liquid spills cleaned up & or reported? Appropriate PPE utilized?

  • 4.7 - Are railings in good condition?

  • 4.10 - Furniture in sound condition?

  • 4.11 Locks in good working condition in all tertiaries?

  • 4.12 Are rollers on deck in good working condition?

  • 4.13 Are slides at tertiaries clear of overflow?

  • 4.15 Are employees performing proper manual handling techniques?

  • 4.16 Are employees pushing/pulling ULDs as trained?

  • 4.17 All employees are performing pre-operational inspection of equipment?

  • 4.18 Are all empty pallets stored in designated locations, stacked neatly, and not exceeding 6 ft?

  • 4.19 Are bins available for straps?

  • 4.20 Are loose straps properly placed in bins?

5.0 - Work Benches

  • 5.1 - Clear of rubbish?

  • 5.2 - Tools not in use kept in place?

  • 5.4 - Any damaged power/hand tools in use?

  • 5.5 - Work height correct for the type of work and the employee?

  • 5.6 - Check for sharp edges.

  • Add media

6.0 - Rubbish Removal

  • 6.1 - Bins located at suitable points around site?

  • 6.2 - Bins emptied regularly?

  • 6.3 - Oily rags and combustible refuse in covered metal containers?

  • Add media

8.0 - Machines

  • 8.1 - Are they kept clean?

  • 8.2 - Are the floors around the machines kept clean?

  • 8.3 - Guards in good condition?

  • Guards, tool rests, etc. adjusted correctly?

  • 8.4 - Starting and stopping devices within easy reach of operator?

  • 8.7 - Adequate work space?

  • 8.8 - Is lighting adequate?

  • 8.9 - Noise levels controlled?

  • 8.10 - No bending or stooping required?

  • 8.12 - Operators trained/inducted into the operation of the machines?

  • 8.13 - Is the training recorded?

  • 8.14 - Do operators comply with the training?

  • 8.15 - Are lockout procedures implemented and followed?

  • 8.16 - Are gas tanks secured?

  • Add media

9.0 - Electrical Safety

  • 9.1 - Safety switches installed?

  • 9.3 - No double adapters in use?

  • 9.5 - No broken plugs, sockets or switches?

  • 9.6 - No power leads/cables across walkways?

  • Extension cords in good condition & used properly?

  • 9.7 - No frayed or damaged leads?

  • 9.9 - Portable power tools in good condition?

  • 9.10 - Where required are emergency shut-down procedures in place?

10.0 - Chemical Safety

  • 10.2 - Safety Data Sheets available for all chemicals?

  • 10.4 - All containers labelled correctly?

  • 10.5 - Unused substances disposed of?

  • 10.6 - Do special storage conditions apply?

  • 10.8 - Workers trained in the use of hazardous substances?

  • 10.9 - If required is PPE available?

  • 10.10 - Is adequate ventilation provided?

  • 10.11 - Are eye washes and showers easily accessed?

  • 10.12 Eye wash stations checked monthly/QTRLY & documented?

  • Add media

11.0 Ladders

  • 11.1 - Are all ladders Industrial strength? (Non Household rated, check label.)

  • 11.2 - Are ladders in good condition?

  • 11.3 - If used for electrical work are they non conductive? (fibre glass.)

  • 11.4 - Used according to instructions?

  • 11.5 - For extension ladders are ropes, pulleys and treads in a good state of repair?

  • 11.6 Ladders inspected regularly (QTRLY) & documented?

  • 11.7 Employees trained in ladder use?

  • Add media

12.0 - First Aid Facilities

  • 12.1 - Are cabinets and contents clean and orderly?

  • 12.2 - Are contents regularly checked?

  • 12.3 - No contents past their expiration date?

  • 12.4 - Cabinets clearly labelled?

  • 12.5 - Is there easy access to cabinets?

  • 12.6 - Employees aware of location of first aid cabinet?

  • 12.7 - Are First-aid/CPR AED responders available & trained?

  • 12.8 - Are emergency numbers ERT posters displayed?

  • 12.9 AED available & checked monthly?

13.0 - Office Hazards

  • 13.1 -Office furniture in good condition?

  • 13.8 - No slip trip hazards noted?

  • PPE made available?

  • Add media

14.0 Ramp Hazards

  • 14.1 Locks up on building decks when not moving containers?

  • 14.2 Dolly tongues up?

  • 14.4 Locks on dolly engaged while dolly is parked or traveling?

  • 14.3 Chocks on tires of movable stairs?

  • 14.4 All employees are performing pre-operational inspection of equipment?

  • 14.5 Employees operating equipment safely?

  • 14.6 Clear of FOD?

  • 14.7 All aircraft handling procedures executed safely? (i.e marshalling, wing walking, pushback ops, etc.)

  • 14.8 Proper ULD handling?

  • 14.9 Stairs on decks in good condition?

  • 14.10 Scales and deck are properly leveled?

  • 14.11 Employees using hearing protection?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.