Audit Title
Conducted on
Prepared by
Health and Safety Plan and Policy
Does the directorate/department have a Health and Safety Policy?
Has the directorate/department updated its key contacts within the local Emergency Incident Plan and does Security have a copy?
Health and Safety Personnel
What are the names and titles of staff undertaking specified health and safety roles in the directorate/department?
Are there written agreements for those with Health and Safety Duties?
Are the Directors/Senior Management aware of their Health and Safety Duties/Responsibilities?
Safety Training
Does a health and safety training plan exist for the directorate/department?
Has each employee been assessed as to what health and safety training is required?
Please list the number of staff who have been trained in the following coures
IOSH Managing Safely
IOSH Working Safely
DSE Assessor
Manual Handling
Fire Warden
First Aid
Local Induction
Risk Assessment
Safety Inspections
What inspections have taken place and what areas were covered?
Is there a procedure in place to follow up actions required?
Have all actions been completed within a year?
When will actions be completed?
Are Union Safety Representatives invited to join the inspections?
Risk Assessment
Have all new and relocated staff had their DSE workstations assessed?
Are all other risk assessments in place? E.G. events, field trips, manual handling, expectant mothers etc.
Health, Safety and Environment Committee/Group
Does the directorate/department have a Health, Safety and Environment Committe/Group?
Are Trade Union Representatives invited?
Were minutes/notes taken?
Are they published?
Dates of meeting.
Have all accidents/incidents been investigated if required?
Have all recommendations to prevent a reoccurrence been implemented?
Have all risk assessments been reviewed where an incident has occurred?