Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
First Impression
How does the site look from the outside including, housekeeping, site signage etc.?
How well is the interface with the Client, PC and public being managed?
Was the site secure to prevent unauthorised access?
Did you have to sign in on site?
Are the statutory notices and other project information clearly displayed?
Are there adequate and well maintained welfare provisions?
Were you accompanied during the visit or offered an induction?
Management - is there evidence of the following management tasks being completed?
A review of the Construction Phase Plan within the last month?
Are there regular H&S Meetings with the teams & contractors?
Regular Toolbox Talks being carried out?
Has all Glenevin Staff & sub-contractors received their site specific Glenevin induction?
Is there a sufficient level of Glenevin management/supervision on site?
Is there any evidence that any temporary works (including excavations) have been designed and properly inspected weekly?
Are Suitable & Sufficient RAMs in place and they read & understood by site personnel?
Are Glenevin Policies & Procedures in place and understood by Glenevin workforce & sub-contractors on site?
Is there HSEQ site folder available on site?
Is there a safe and clear access route around the site?
Are the fire points and the fire escape route signed and kept clear?
What are the housekeeping standards?
What is the level of access lighting around the site?
Do the standards of PPE meet the site compliance i.e. is the PPE suitable for the tasks and weather conditions etc.?
Site Activities
Were there any issues with the work at height? This includes the use of mobile towers, steps, etc.
Are all excavations adequately supported and protection in place to prevent persons falling into them?
Have plant & vehicle movements been segregated to prevent operatives or public being struck?
Did you witness any issues with noise, dust or vibration during the tour?
Were there any environmental issues that concerned you?